Tuesday, May 8, 2007

  • ANIMALKULISTY (from an armour. animalculum - a little wild beast), the biologists of 17-18 centuries inaccurately considering{counting}, that in a spermatozoon predobrazovan the formed organism and development of a germ is reduced only to his{its} increase in the dimensions. Compare. Ovisty.
  • ANIMALNYJ (from an armour. animal - animal), in biology-.. 1) animal, relating to animal... 2) Animalnyj a pole - range eggs animal in which before fertilization there is a nucleus.
  • The ANIMATOR (from an armour. anima - life, a shower, animator - producing life), the moviemaker working in multiplication kino.
  • ANIMATED KINO (animation) (English animation from an armour. animatus - alive, animated), the same, that multiplication kino.
  • ANIMISM (from an armour. anima, animus - a shower, spirit), belief in existence a shower and spirits, a mandatory element of any religion.
  • ANIMIKIT, a mineral, a version of silver native, stibiated.
  • ANION (from grech. anion, characters. - going up), negatively charged ion; at an electrolysis of the solutions keeping ions, anion goes to a positive electrode - to the anode. See also Cation.
  • ANION EXCHANGERS, one of kinds{views} of ion exchangers.
  • ANION-EXCHANGE RESINS, one of kinds{views} of ion-exchange resins.
  • ANISE, autumnal grades of an apple tree: an anise streaky, an anise scarlet (arcaded Russian grades), an anise purple, etc. Fruits of an average, sweet-sour, with "anisic" aroma. Productivity of 250-500 kg from a tree.
  • ANISIMOV Ivan Ivanovich (1899-1966), the Russian literary critic, corresponding member AN the USSR (1960). Transactionses under the classical and modern foreign literature. The state premium of the USSR (1978, posthumously).
  • ANISIMOV Sergey Ivanovich (r. 1934), Russian physics, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1987). Transactionses on physics of continuums, theories of a condensate condition of substance, a physical kinetics. The state premium of the USSR (1986).
  • ANISIMOVTSY, religious sect of abstainers in 1920th in Petrograd. The title by name Anisima Smirnova, declared the Christ and undertaking attempts of recoveries.
  • ANICHKOV Dmitry Sergeevich (1733-88), the Russian educator, the philosopher - deist. The professor of the Moscow university (with 1771). His{its} thesis on an origin of religion is convicted for atheism, all its{her} copies incinerated.
  • ANICHKOV Nikolay Nikolaevich (1885-1964), the Russian pathologist, academician AN the USSR (1939) and AMN (1944), president AMN (1946-53), the general - lieutenant of a medical service (1943). Has developed the cholesteric theory of a pathogeny of an atherosclerosis. Transactionses on a pathology of reticuloendothelial system; autoinfections. The state premium of the USSR (1942).
  • ANICHKOV Sergey Viktorovich (1892-1981), the Russian pharmacologist, academician AMN (1950), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1967). Transactionses on pharmacology of nervous and cardiovascular systems. Has created a number{series} of medicinal preparations (including Dibazolum). The lenin premium (1976), the State premium of the USSR (1951).
  • ANK MARTSY (an armour. Ancus Martius), one of seven legendary tsars Other. Rome, grandson Numy Pompilija. The tradition attributes to him care of cults of gods and binds his{its} name to construction of the bridge through Tiber and backfill of port Ostija.
  • ANKARA (Ankara; the Angora), capital of Turkey, on Anatolian a tableland, an administrative centre ilja Ankara earlier called. 2,6 million inhabitants (1990). A machine industry. Flavoring, woollen, tanning, a woodworking industry. Universities. It is based in 7 century up to n. e. About 1920 residence of Great national assembly of Turkey and governments.
  • ANCHOR (a nem. Anker, characters. - an anchor).. 1) a component part of hours (a pumping fork), ensuring a balanced running of a clock mechanism... 2) the Component part for binding parts of structures and machines. In structures an anchor mortgage in a masonry (walls, the bases, vaults). The term "anchor" is applied also in sense "intermediate piece" (an anchor plate, gusset stay).
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