Tuesday, May 8, 2007

  • ANTI-BODIES, globular proteins (immunoglobulins) of a blood plasma of the person and warm-blooded animal, having specificly to contact ability antigens. Interacting with microorganisms, hinder with their reproduction or neutralize toxicants secreted with them. At some morbid conditions in an organism there are anti-bodies to natural antigens that damages different organs. Reactions of anti-bodies with an antigen apply to diagnosis of different diseases, identification of microorganisms and some substances.
  • ANTITOXINS (from anti... And toxins), the specific proteins (anti-bodies) decontaminating toxins of microorganisms (napr., tetanic, diphtheritic), plants (ricin, abrine) and animal (a poison the snake, karakurta).
  • ANTITRINITARII (from anti... And an armour. trinitas - a Trinity), adherents of flows, sects in the christianity, not accepting one of the main{basic} tenets of christianity - a tenet of the Trinity.
  • ANTI-FASCIST COMMITTEE of SOVIET WOMEN (AKSZH), public organization in 1941-56, represented women of the USSR in International democratic federation of women. It is renamed into Committee of Soviet women; about 1992 Russian union of women.
  • ANTIFERROMAGNETISM, magnitouporjadochennoe the condition of a crystalline matter in which magnetic moments of all or parts of atoms (ions) in adjacent cross-links of a crystal lattice are oriented so (as a rule, is antiparallel), that the magnetization of substance is as a whole peer to zero. Under action of an external magnetic field antiferromagnets acquire a weak magnetization. Temperature rise up to Neelja results points in loss of a magnetization and transition in a paramagnetic condition (see. A paramagnetism).
  • ANTIFERROMAGNET, the substance having antiferromagnetic orderliness of magnetic moments of atoms at the temperature of is lower Neelja than point QN (see. Antiferromagnetism). To antiferromagnets belong solid oxygen (the a-updating existing at T <24 Ê), a chromium, a number{series} of rare-earth elements and ok. 1000 connections of metals (sample: NiF2, CoCl2, FeO, MnCO3, CuSO4).
  • ANTIFERROMAGNETIC RESONANCE, selective absorption by antiferromagnet of electromagnetic waves, which frequency (10-1000 GHz) it is close to natural frequencies of precession of vectors of a magnetization of sublattices magnetic.
  • ANTIFIL from Egypt (2-n a floor. 4 century up to n. e.), the ancient greek artist, pupil Ktesidema. Worked at a yard of egyptian tsars of Ptolemies. Has written patterns: " Alexander the Great - the boy ", " Alexander, Phillip and Afina ", "Grilly" (connection of features of a human face with features animal), " the Boy fanning fire ", " Workshop of a yarn ", etc.
  • ANTIHUM SINGING (from grech. antiphonos - sounding in the answer), serial singing of two choruses. It is used in Christian church music.
  • ANTIFONT from Athenes (5 century up to n. e.), an ancient greek philosopher - sophist, under certificate Ksenofonta, - opponent Sokrata. In the main{basic} composition "True" of conditionality of social establishments and moral standards contrasted as something true human nature, his{its} natural tendencies and instincts.
  • ANTIFREEZING AGENTS (from anti... And English freeze - to solidify), water solutions of some substances (ethylen glycol, glycerine, inorganic salts, etc.), not solidifying at low temperatures. Apply in cooling systems of internal-combustion engines at ambient temperatures from-75 up to 0 °S.
  • ANTIFRICTIONAL MATERIALS (from anti... And an armour. frictio - abrasion), have a low friction coefficient and are applied to manufacturing the component parts working primarily in conditions of a sliding friction (bearings, barrels, liners, etc.). To antifrictional materials concern: alloys on basis{fundamentals} Sn or Pb (babbits), Cu (bronzes), Fe (gray iron), etc.; plastics materials (laminate, fluoroplastic - 4, etc.); sintered materials (bronzografit, iron graphite); some kinds{views} of wood and improved laminated woods; gums.
  • ANTIFRICTION GREASES, the flexible lubrications used for reduction of wearing and drop of a sliding friction in mechanisms. Eurysynusic antifriction greases - solid oils.
  • ANTI-CHRIST, the opponent of the Christ who will be on the eve " the extremity of the world " and will be defeated by the Christ Christian mythology.
  • ANTICYCLONE, plenum in an atmosphere with a maximum at the centre (sea-level 1050-1070 gPa). A diameter of an anticyclone - about thousand in km. The anticyclone is defined by system of the winds blowing clockwise in Boreal hemisphere and against - in Austral, slightly overcast both a dry weather and gentle winds.
  • ANTITSIPATSIJA (an armour. anticipatio).. 1) anticipation... 2) Anticipatory approach any the phenomena.
  • ANTIPARTICLES, the fundamental particles having same mass, a spin, survival time and some other internal performances, as their "half-and-halfs" particles, but distinguished from particles marks of an electric charge and a magnetic moment, a baryon charge, a leptonic charge, strangeness, etc. All fundamental particles, except for absolutely neutral{inert}, have the antiparticles. At crash particles and antiparticles there is their annihilation.
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