Tuesday, May 8, 2007

  • " ARE NUVO " (frants. art nouveau - new art), widespread{distributed} in some european countries and in the USA the title of style "modernist style".
  • "ARE" (ARA, in abbreviated form from English American Relief Administration - " the American administration of the help ") (1919-23; chief G.Guver), it is built for rendering assistance to the european countries damaged in 1-st world war. In 1921 in connection with famine in the Volga region activity of "ARE" has been permitted{solved} in RSFSR.
  • ARE, the title of 2 stems dlinnohvostyh is bright rastsvechennyh parrots. Length up to 1 m (blue an are). 17 kinds{views}, in America (from Mexico up to Paraguay), in boscages. Flights assault fruit plantations. Are easily tamed and can "speak".
  • ARABATSKAJA the SCAPE, a sand - bar in eastern part Crimean p-ova, separable a hall. Sivash from the Azov m. Length of 113 kms, width from 270 m up to 8 kms.
  • ARABESQUE (frants. arabesque, characters. - Arabian), one of the main{basic} items of classical dance (with a raised and elongated back leg). It is recasted at different rules{situations;positions} of a reference leg, arms{hand}, heads, bodies.
  • ARABESQUE, the musical play, primarily for a piano, with whimsical, it is affluent ornamentirovannym melodic drawing. Writers of arabesques: R.Schuman, A.K.Ljadov, K.Debjussi, etc.
  • ARABESQUE, the european title of the decorative pattern which has been usual in art of Muslim countries. It is constructed by a principle of infinite development and rhythmic repetition geometrical, vegetative or epigraficheskih motives. Differs repeated rhythmic lamination of uniform{homogeneous} forms that creates an impression of a saturated whimsical pattern.
  • ARABIKA, a hills in Gagrskom hr. On Caucasus, raising above. Gagra (Abkhazia). An altitude of 2661 m. Broad-leaved and coniferous forests.
  • ARABINOSE, monosaccharide (pentose); is part some reserve polysaccharides of plants, and also resins, mucilages. For some bacteria - a unique source of carbon.
  • ARABI-PASHA, see. Orabi-pasha.
  • ARABISTIKA, set{combination} of the scientific disciplines investigator a history, tongue and crop of Arabian peoples.
  • ARABLINSKY (an ice-film. fam. Halafov) Gusejn Mamed ogly (1881-1919), the Azerbaijan actor and the producer. On the scene with 1905. One of founders of the Azerbaijan professional theatre.
  • ARABS Jury Nikolaevich (r. 1954), the Russian writer, the poet, the film writer, the publicist. Has acquired popularity as the writer of scripts to A.N.Sokurov films (" the Lone voice of the person " on A.P.Platonovu, " Mournful loss of consciousness " on B.Shou, " Rescue and save " on G.Flaubert, " Days of eclipse ", "Stone", " Quiet pages "). Has written also the script to a TV movie "Nikolay Vavilov" (1990). The story "Cruiser" (1993).
  • The ARABO-ISRAELI WAR 1948-1949 (the Palestinian war), between the Arabian states (Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen) and the state Israel. Israel has trapped 6,7 thousand êì2 terrains of Palestine which under the solution of General Assembly of the United Nations from 29.11.1947 was intended for the Arabian state, and a western part of Jerusalem. Other part of Palestine, retracted to the Arabian state, and eastern part of Jerusalem have been adjoined by Jordan. From terrain, entrapped Israel, it has been ejected over 900 thousand Arabian inhabitants. Truce agreements (1949) have not settled the middle East conflict which has arisen as a result of the arabo-Israeli war.
  • ARABIAN BREED of horses, high, is introduced in 1-st thousand n. e. On Arabian p-ove. Animal mean growth, it is harmonic are combined, with light motions, are wanton, hardy. Were used at breeding many european breeds. Cultivate everywhere, except for Australia.
  • ARABIAN SEIZURES, military marchings of arabs in it is grey. 7 - nach. 9 centuries finished by seizure of countries Short-range and Compare. The orient, the Sowing. Africa, JUgo-Zap. Europe. During Arabian seizures has been built Halifat - the theocratical state. Interaction of arabs and conquered peoples has reduced in a folding of medieval Arabian crop. Liberation extirpation of peoples Compare. Asia, Iran, Transcaucasia (2-n a floor. 9 - 10 centuries), and also Spain (Rekonkista 8 - 15 centuries) has reduced in their discharging of Arabian domination. Hereinafter on a considerable proportion Short-range and Compare. The orient and the Sowing. Africa were formed the Arabian states.
  • ARABIC NUMERALSES, see. Digits.
  • ARABIAN TONGUE, falls into a Semitic branch afrazijskoj families of tongues. The modern speech Arabian disintegrates on 5 groups of dialects: eastern (mesopotamskaja), Arabian, tsentralnoarabskaja, egipetsko-Sudanese, severoafrikanskaja (magribskaja). A literary language unified. Figure speaking in Arabian tongue 190 million person (1990). Writing on the basis of the Arabian alphabet. Official and a working language of General Assembly of the United Nations and some other organs of the United Nations. The official language of all Arabian countries, the Somali Democratic Republic, Republic Djibouti.
  • The ARABSKO-AMERICAN PETROLEUM COMPANY (ARAMKO; English Arabian-American Oil Company - ARAMCO), it is based in 1933 largest petroleum companies the USA for operation of oil deposits of Saudi Arabia. About 1973 government of Saudi Arabia gradually redeemed its{her} shares, in 1980 has become privately-owned master ARAMKO. Steering of its{her} enterprises and operation of deposits execute, under special agreements with government of country, American petroleum companies " Ýêñîí ", "Chevron", "Teksako", "Mobile" which receive a part of petroleum got{procured} by her{it}. A crude production ok. 200 million t, a thorough revision - 23 million t (kon. 1980th).
  • The ARABIAN LETTER, the kind{view} of the letter distributed in Zap. Asia and the Sowing. To Africa. Has arisen till 4 century in Arabia on the basis of the aramaic letter. Will consist of 28 characters used for notation agree and long vocal. To notation brief vocal can be applied overline and subscript signs. It is read from right to left.
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