Sunday, May 13, 2007

  • BASEL (Basel), city in Switzerland, an administrative centre polukantona Basel - SHtadt. 170 thousand inhabitants (1990, with suburbs of 360 thousand inhabitants). A port on r. Rhein. An international airport. The large trading - financial, cultural centre. Chemical, machine-building and metal-working, a light industry. University. For the first time it is mentioned in 374. In kon. 15-16 centuries - the centre of trade, handcraft, credit operations, book printing. A Romansko-Gothic cathedral (1185-1200; sculptural gantries), a town hall (1504-1608, the Renaissance).
  • BAZELSKIE PEACE TREATIES 1795 (separate), are encased in Basel between France and to two of participants of 1-st antiFrench coalition (the Prussia which has recognized transition to France of the left-handed coast of Rhein, and Spain); marked the beginning of disintegration of a coalition.
  • BAZELSKY the CATHEDRAL, ecumenical council of a latin church in 1431-49, all over again in Basel, with 1448 in Lausanne. Has made concessions chashnikam in range of a cult. Has proclaimed after Konstantsskim a cathedral 1414-18 supremance of law of cathedrals above a dad; however the papacy has defended a supreme authority above cathedrals.
  • BAZEN (Bazin) Andre (1918-58), French kinoved and the film critic. One of initiators t. n. " A new wave " - motions of the pullet moviemakers who have been grouped together around of the log-book " Kaje dju sinema ". In 1967 teoretiko-critical inheritance Bazena such kino has been posthumously published in the book " That? ".
  • BAZEN Peter Petrovich (Pierre - Domenik) (1786-1838), the Russian mathematician, the mechanics, the engineer, the honorary member Petersburg AN (1827). By origin the Frenchman. The main transactionses on a calculus, geometries, mechanics. Has developed the theory of motion of steam courts.
  • BAZEN (Bazin) Erve (an ice-film. A name Jean Pierre Mari Erve-Bazen, Herve-Bazin) (1911-96), the French writer. The participant of movement of Resistance. Sharp condemnation of private life and moral of the bourgeois, opposition of the hero to disintegration of the modern moral principles - in the basis of the satiriko-psychologic trilogy "Family Rezo" (1948-72), a cycle of "family" psychologic novels: " In the name of the son " (1960), " Matrimonial life " (1967), " Anatomy of one divorce " (1975). The philosophical novel - reporting " Lucky persons from an island of "Despair" (1970). The story about Chile " And fire gobbles fire " (1978). President Gonkurovskoj of academy (with 1977). The international Lenin premium (1980).
  • BASIDIOMYCETES (basidiomycetes), class of the maximum mushrooms with special reproductive organs - basidiums. St. 30 thousand kinds. Orders: afilloforovye, agarikovye, bunt fungi, gasteromitsety, etc. Many of them are edible (the boletus mushroom, a pepper cap), other are toxicant (the red fly mushroom, a death cup), some invoke diseases of agricultural crops and wood breeds.
  • BAZILE (Basile) Dzhambattista (1575-1632), the italian writer. Has constituted the first collection in the european literature of national fairy tales in art machining "Pentameron" (the issuing 1634-36).
  • BAZILEVICH Konstantin Vasiljevich (1892-1950), the Russian historian, the professor. Transactionses on a history of foreign policy, class struggle, socio economic attitudes of feudal Russia.
  • BASIL, stem of subshrubs and bushes of a set of a mint family. Ok. 150 kinds, in tropics and subtropics. Some kinds (evgenolnyj, etc.) cultivate a basil for obtaining an essential oil.
  • BASIL (from grech. basilike - the imperial dwelling), the rectangular building in the plan, disjointed inside ranges of columns or piles on longitudinal parts (naves); the mean nave, higher, is illuminated through windows above roofs of side naves. In Other. Rome basils - judicial and trade buildings; after a basil - one of Haupttypuses of a Christian temple.
  • BAZILIKATA (Basilicata), Lukanija (Lucania), range in JUzh. Italy, for a hall. Taranto Ionicheskogo in m. of 10 thousand êì2. The population of 623 thousand person (1989). Adm. ts. - Potentsa. Actuates prov. Matera and Potentsa.
  • BAZIPETALNOE DEVELOPMENT (from grech. basis - the grounding and an armour. peto - I aspire), development of branches, elements of leaves and other parts of a plant from top to the grounding therefore more pullet parts of a plant appear closer to the grounding, and aged - to top. Typically for leaflets peristoslozhnogo a leaf of a dog rose, branches of a thallome of some algae. Compare. An acropetal growth.
  • BASIS (grech. basis - the grounding), the basis, the grounding; a support, the base, base. Napr., basis of a column, basis of the program.
  • BASIS, in a geodesy - a line on location, gauged with a split-hair accuracy and the employee for definition of lengths of the parties of geodetic network in a triangulation.
  • BASE PRICE, the price received for the basis at calculation of indexes, defining dynamics of manufacture and other economic parameters. A commodity price of fixed quality, the dimension, chemical composition, the employee the centre of oscillation of actual prices.
  • BAZIFIKATSIJA, 1) natural process of enrichment of rocks Fe, Mg and Ca with simultaneous offset Si, Na, etc.; the rocks undergone bazifikatsii, differ the heightened content of colour minerals (pirokseny, amphiboles, etc.)... 2) bazifikatsija, or "okeanizatsija", - hypothetical process of a full physico-chemical thorough revision of a "granite" layer of earth crust and his metamorphosis into a "basalt" layer.
  • BASIC COMPONENT PART.. 1) the basic part with which assembly of the machine or the mechanism (an engine support of the rig, etc.) starts... 2) the Main type part reflecting design, technological and other performances of group of items, for definition of the conditional program of manufacture, basically at designing shops, factories.
  • BAZOVSKY (Bazowsky) Milosh (1899-1968), the Slovak painter. The symbolically - generalized, occasionally drama scenes of country life differ courageous drawing, an indicative rhythmicity of the composition refined by a gamma.
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