Tuesday, May 15, 2007

  • BOGARNE Ezhen (1781-1824), the French general, viceroy of Italy (1805-14), the side shoot of Napoleon I. In napoleonic wars commanded a body, in 1813-14 - a troops in Italy.
  • BOGATIKOV Oleg Alekseevich (r. 1934), the Russian scientist the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1991). Transactionses on evolution magmatizma, metamorphism and rudoobrazovanija in a history of the Earth.
  • BOGATIKOV Jury Iosifovich (r. 1932), the crooner, the national actor of the USSR (1985). With 1974 soloist of the Crimean philarmonic society. The propagandist Soviet songs.
  • BOGATSKY Alexey Vsevolodovich (1929-83), Ukrainian of chemists - organics, academician AN USSR (1979). The main transactionses on dynamic stereochemistry, conformational analysis of heterocycles, chemistry physiologically active agents, chemistry of macrocycles. Together with employees has received (1974) and has inserted in manufacture (1978) first domestic tranquilizer - Phenazepamum. The state premium of the USSR (1980).
  • BOGATYRYOV Anatoly Vasiljevich (r. 1913), the Byelorussian composer, the national actor of Belarus (1968), the national actor of Russia (1981). One of creators of the Byelorussian opera (" In dense forests of Polesye ", 1939; " Durov Hope ", 1946). The state premium of the USSR (1941).
  • BOGACHYOV Irina Petrovna (r. 1939), the singer (mezzo-soprano), the national actress of the USSR (1976). With 1965 in Mariinsk (Leningrad) theatre of opera and ballet. 1-n the premium at International competition of vocalists in Rio de Janeiro (1967). The state premium of the USSR (1984).
  • BOGDAN I, first gospodar the independent Moldavian state (regulations in 1359-65), the leader of victorious antiHungarian popular uprising 1359.
  • BOGDAN III, Moldavian gospodar, the last governor of the independent Moldavian state (1504-17).
  • BOGDAN KHMELNITSKIY, see Khmelnitskiy B.M.
  • BOGDANOV (an ice-film. fam. Malinovsky) Alexander Aleksandrovich (1873-1928), the political figure, the doctor, the philosopher, the economist. The member of the Russian social-democratic working consignment in 1896-1909, a bolshevik, with 1905 member of the administrative board of group " Forwards ". The writer of Utopian novels " the Red aster ", "Engineer Menni". With 1918 ideologist Proletkulta. The main composition - " Overall organizational science " (t. 1-2, 1913-17). Has put forward idea of building of science about general principles of organization - tektologii, has anticipated some rules of cybernetics. With 1926 organizer and the director of Institute of a blood transfusion; has perished, effecting on itself experience.
  • BOGDANOV Alexey Alekseevich (r. 1935), the biochemist, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1994). Probes of structure of nucleoproteins (primarily ribosomes). Activities on a structure virus RNK and to the mechanism of assembly of virus particles. The state premium of the USSR (1986).
  • BOGDANOV Alexey Alekseevich (1907-71), the Russian geologist, the doctor of geologo-mineralogical sciences (1945), the honored worker of science of Russia (1967). The professor of the Moscow state university (with 1943). The main transactionses on areal geology and tectonics Priuralja, Carpathian mountains and Kazakhstan, and also a technique of a geologic mapping. The editor " Tectonic maps of the USSR " (1956) and " the International tectonic map of Europe " (1960).
  • BOGDANOV Anatoly Ivanovich (r. 1931), the Russian sportsman, the deserved master of sport (1952), the trainer. The champion of Olympic Games (1952, 1956), the world (1954), Europe (1955, 1959), the repeated champion of the USSR (in 1952-59) in different exercises of bullet shooting.
  • BOGDANOV Anatoly Petrovich (1834-96), the Russian zoologist and the anthropologist, one of osnovatelej anthropology in Russia, corresponding member Petersburg AN (1890). Transactionses on a craniology in Russia.
  • BOGDANOV Andrey Ivanovich (1696-1766), knigoved. Manuscript Bogdanova " Brief collection of books... " (1755) - the bibliographic canopy of the Russian book and the first history of Russian printing houses.
  • BOGDANOV Eugeny Ivanovich (1913-93), the Russian scientist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (with 1991; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1981). Transactionses on development of placer deposits of mineral wealths.
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