Wednesday, May 23, 2007

  • GADOLINIUM (an armour. Gadolinium), Gd, the chemical element of III group of a periodic system, atomic number 64, atomic weight 157,25, falls into to lanthanoids. It is called named Finnish chemist J.Gadolina. Metal, firmness of 7,895 g / sm3, têèï 1312 °S. Ferromagnetic substance (is lower 19 °S). A component of magnesium alloys, synthetic garnet; a perspective material for doctor bars of nuclear reactors.
  • GADSDENA AGREEMENT 1853, between the USA and Mexico. It is signed on December, 30 by American envoy Dzh. Gadsdenom and the mexican dictator Santa Ana. The USA follow-up to the terrain received by them on Guadalupe-Idalgo to the peace treaty 1848, have acquired ok. 120 thousand êì2 mexican terrain for 10 million dol.
  • GADFILD (Hadfild) (Hadfield) Robert Abbot (1858-1940), the English metallurgist, foreign honorary member AN the USSR (1933). The main transactionses on manufacture, a heat treatment and properties of antiwear manganese steel (t. n. A Hadfield steel).
  • GADFILDA STEEL, steel (11-14,5 % Mn, 0,9-1,3 % Ñ) with high resistivity to wearing (scuffing) at major pressures or impulsive load. Produce cheeks of crushers, rail cross pieces, throwing mechanisms. It is offered in kon. 19 century. R.Gadfildom.
  • VIPERS (asp), a set of adders. Length up to 2 m. Ok. 60 kinds, in Africa and Eurasia. The dace viper dwells in wood and forest-steppe zones from Pirenejskogo p-ova up to Sakhalin; in a steppe zone from the south. Zap. Europe up to eastern part of Kazakhstan - a steppe viper. On Caucasus and in Transcaucasia dwell gjurza, Caucasian, big-nosed and maloaziatskaja vipers; in the south Compare. Asia - a sand echis. The puncture of a viper can be lethal for large animal and the person. It is most toxicant gjurza. 4 kinds in the Red Data Book of the International union of nature protection.
  • GADJACH, city on Ukraine, the Poltava region, on r. Psel. A depot. 24,6 thousand inhabitants (1991). The enterprises of a building materials, a food-processing industry. It is based in 1634.
  • GADJACHSKY the AGREEMENT, between Ukrainian hetm I.Vygovskim and government of Poland (6.9.1658, Gadjach). Under this agreement Ukraine passed under an authority of Poland. It is cancelled in 1659 after decrowning Vygovskogo.
  • NUTS FROM LIBOCHAN Vaclav (?-1553), the writer of the Czech chronicle (in latin tongue) from the most ancient times till 16 century.
  • GAS (frants. gaz, from grech. chaos - chaos), an aggregation state of substance, in which the motive energy of thermal agitation of his particles (molecules, atoms, ions) considerably exceeds potential energy of interactions between them in this connection particles move loosely, uniformly filling in in absence of external fields all volume given him.
  • GAS (frants. gaze), a mild translucent tissue of special gas interlacing at which the most thin silk or cottony filaments place so, that between filaments of a filling and the fundamentals is saved the space. The way of weaving stipulated a grade of gas is there could be an atlas, a serge or a cloth; quite often in one matter these ways combined.
  • GAS, city on eastern a shore of Mediterranean m. It is based in an antiquity. In Middle Ages entered in Arabian halifat, then under an authority of egyptian dynasties, in nach. 16 century - 1917 - Ottoman empire. In 1920-47 in structure of the English mandate Palestine. Under the solution of General Assembly of the United Nations 29.11.1947 Gaza and accumbent terrains have been included in terrain of the Arabian state. After the arabo-Israeli war 1948-49 Gaza and t. n. A throttle lever (258 êì2) - under steering of Egypt. It is occupied by the Israeli troops in June 1967. With 1994 in structure of the Temporary Palestinian autonomy.
  • GAS, the mark of first cars Gorkovskogo of a car factory released in 1932-36. Power of 30 kw (40 l. Seconds), speed up to 90 km/h.
  • GAZAVAT (jihad) (the arab.), " sacred war " moslems against gentiles.
  • GAZALI (al-Gazali) Mohammed (1058 or 1059-1111), the Muslim theologian, the philosopher, mistik. Iranets, wrote predominary on - arabski. In the main composition " Revitalization of sciences about belief " considered bogopoznanie as the irrational certificate personal ekstaticheskogo experiences, confuted all philosophical systems, especially eastern aristotelizm, having given, however, his classical exposition. Has exerted influence medieval philosophy, including in Europe.
  • GAZALKENT, city (with 1964) in Uzbekistan, the Tashkent region, on r. Chirchik. A depot. 21,8 thousand inhabitants (1991). Kamneobrabatyvajushchy combine, plodoovoshchekonservnyj factory, etc. A river plant.
  • GAZAN-KHAN (1271-1304), the Mongolian governor of Iran with 1295, from dynasty Hulaguidov. With the purposes of rendezvous with Iranian znatju has accepted moslem faith. With help Rashidaddina has conducted administrative and economic reforms (has vested military lenami all Mongols entered in a feudal home guard; has confirmed injected the Mongolian khans affixion of peasants to ground).
  • GAS HOLDER (from gas and English holder - a holder), fixed or a movable gear for method, a storage and issues of gas. Container up to 100 thousand in m3.
  • GAZDANOV Gajto Ivanovich (1903-71), the Russian writer. In 1920 has emigrated. Attenuatous psychologism in autobiographical novels " Evening for Clare " (1930) about gimnazicheskoj a pore and sharing in the Civil war, " Night roads " (1941, it is published 1952), figuring not ceremonial life of Paris seen by eyes of the taxi driver, and also in stories, stories (including " the Hawaiian gears quadrants ", 1930; "Happiness", 1932).
  • GAZELLES, a stem of cloven-hoofed animals of a set polorogih. 12 kinds, in steppes and deserts the Sowing. Africa and Asia. In a southeast of Transcaucasia, in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and in JUzh. Kazakhstan the Middle Asian gazelle dwells. Were object of a hunt (meat, a leather). Number is reduced. 2 kinds and 7 subspecies in the Red Data Book of the International union of nature protection and natural resources (MSOP).
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