GASPAROV Mihail Leonovich (r. 1935), the Russian literary critic and a translator, the academician of the Russian Academy of Science (1992). The main transactionses on classical philology and prosody. Transfers of antique poets and fabulists. The state premium of the Russian Federation (1994).GASPARJAN Goar Mikaelovna (r. 1924), the Armenian singer (a liriko-coloratura soprano), the national actress of the USSR (1956), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1984). In 1948 has moved from Cairo to Armenia. With 1949 at the Armenian theatre of opera and ballet. The professor of the Yerevan conservatory (1977). The state premium of the USSR (1951).GASSENDI (Gassendi) Pierre (1592-1655), the French philosopher, mathematician and the astronomer. Propagandized atomism and ethics Epikura as against which recognized creation of atoms by the god. From items of a sensationalism opposed doctrines about inborn ideas. The main composition: " the Canopy of philosophy " (it is published 1658, posthumously).GASSER (Gasser) Gerbert Spenser (1888-1963), the American physiologist. Probeed bioelectric potential in nerve fibres with the help of the electronic oscillograph. The Nobel Prize (1944, together with Dzh. Erlangerom).GASTATY (an armour., a unit of hours hastatus - kopjenosets, from hasta - gasta, a short spear), soldiers of a heavy infantry in structure of a Roman legion in 4 - 2 centuries up to n. e. Originally - from a poor class, have been armed gastoj and compounded 2-¯ a line tsentury. Since 3 century the pullet soldiers making 1-¯ a line manipul; after 2-nd Punic war were put in 2-¯ a line.GASTEV Alexey Kapitonovich (1882-1938 or 1941), the Russian poet and the scientist. The organizer of Central institute of transactionses (1920). Collections of verses: " Poetry of working impact " (1918), " the Pack of warrants " (1921); publicistic books " As it is necessary to work " (1921). Transactionses on rational organization and a standard of work. It is repressed; it is rehabilitated posthumously.GASTELLO Nikolay Frantsevich (1908-41), the pilot, the Hero of Soviet Union (1941, posthumously), the captain (1940). In the beginning of Great Domestic war, on June, 26, gerojski has perished, having directed the padded airplane in a clump of machines and tanks of the opponent.GASTEROMITSETY, group of orders of basidiomycetes with selfcontained fruit bodies. Ok. 1000 kinds, primarily soil saprophytes. To gasteromitsetam puffballs, gnezdoviki, veselka concern, etc.GASTRALGIA (from grech. gaster - a stomach and algos - a pain), colicy pains in range of a stomach.GASTREI the THEORY, a hypothesis of an origin of metazoans from the common ancestor - a hypothetical organism "gastrei" (the two-layer education similar with embrionalnoj by a stage - a gastrula). E.Gekkelem is formulated. From the modern animal is the closest to gastree Coelenterata. Compare. Fagotsitelly the theory.GASTRIN, hormone of the person and animal, produced by special cells of a mucous membrane of a stomach. Receipt of nutrition in a stomach invokes secretion of a gastrin which boosts a secretion of muriatic acid, gastric and pancreatic is sap, zhelchevydelenie. On a chemical nature - polypeptide.GASTRITIS, inflammatory disease of a mucous membrane of a stomach. The causes - an improper feed, influence of alcohol, nicotine, food poisonings, etc. (for animal - a poor quality forage, sharp changeover of rations, an overfeeding, poisonings, etc.). Can be acute (pains under lozhechkoj, a nausea, a vomiting) and chronic (feeling of gravity and a pain under lozhechkoj, a heartburn, an eructation, etc.).GASTRO... (from grech. gaster, a stem. Item gastros - a stomach), the part of the composite words meaning: relating a stomach, digestion (napr., a gastroscopy).PERFORMANCES (from a nem. Gast - the visitor and Rolle - a role), performances of the actor or collective (theatre, band, chorus and so forth) in the other city, country.DELICATESSEN (from gastro... And... nomija), 1) non-proprietary name of foodstuffs of high-performance preparation, originally breakfast. 2) Obsolete expression - refinement, the thin taste in meal.VENTROPTOSIS (from gastro... And a ptosis), a gastroptosis - constitutional or bought (napr., at a sharp emaciation, repeated pregnancies), sometimes with a heavy feeling under lozhechkoj, an eructation, an abdominal distention.GASTROSCOPY (from gastro... And... skopija), medical research technique: inspection of a gastric cavity with the help of a gastroscope (a tube with optical and lighting systems) which introduce through companies and an esophagus.
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