Wednesday, May 23, 2007

  • GDOV, city (with 1780) in the Russian Federation, the Pskov region, on r. Gdovka, bliz its lockins in CHudskoe an eskar. A depot. 5,9 thousand inhabitants (1992). The alimentary enterprises. It is based in 1431 as strength.
  • GDYNIA (Gdynia), city and a port in Poland, on Baltic m. of 252 thousand inhabitants (1992). Freight turnover 10,0 million t annually. Shipbuilding and other branches of a machine industry, a food-processing industry. Fishing base. A marine museum.
  • GE Nikolay Nikolaevich (1831-94), the Russian painter. One of osnovatelej Companies peredvizhnikov. Psychologic portraits ("A.I.Gertsen", 1867, etc.), historical patterns (" Peter I interrogates tsarevitch Alexey ", 1871, etc.), ekspressivnye, drama compositions on religious - ethical themes (" That there is a true? ", 1890).
  • GEB, in egyptian mythology the godhood of ground and fertility, one of geliopolskoj Enneady gods. In " Texts of pyramids " acts as implementation of the underground world and god Duata sharing in court Osirisa above died.
  • GEBA, in the Grecian mythology the goddess of a perpetually youth, daughter Zevsa and Gery, on feastings of gods executed responsibilities vinocherpija. Marital partner Gerakla.
  • GEBBEL TO. Ô., see Hebbel K.F.
  • GOEBBELS (Goebbels) Joseph (1897-1945), with 1933 minister for propagation, the chapter of the propaganda apparatus of fascist Germany. The ideologist of racism, violence and annexationist wars. In 1944 it is appointed imperial authorized on total military mobilization. After the introduction of the Soviet troops into Berlin has committed suicide. On the Nuremberg process it adjudicated by one of main nazi war criminals.
  • HEBEPHRENIA (from grech. hebe - a youth and phren - mind) (a hebephrenic set of symptoms), the mental derangement defined by silly propulsion and voice exaltation, a disintegration of thought, heightened mood.
  • GEBRA (Hebra) (Hebra) Ferdinand (1816-1880), the Austrian doctor, one of founders of dermatology. Has created the first dermatological clinic. Has offered pathoanatomical grading dermatoses, developed methods of their treatment. Has described a number of diseases of the leather called as his name.
  • HEBRIDES (Hebrides) (Hebrides), archipelago in Atlantic ok., in structure of the Great Britain. Ok. 500 islands (the Lewis, Skye, Mull, etc.), the area of 7,5 thousand êì2. An altitude up to 1009 m. Lavovye fields, tracks of an ancient glaciation. Luga, heathlands, peat bogs. Fishery, a sheep raising.
  • GEBRY, adherents zoroastrizma in Iran. In India of descendants gebrov call parsami.
  • GEVANDHAUZ (a nem. Gewandhaus - a cloth yard), a concert society, a hall and a symphonic orchestra in Leipzig. The title was saved from the aged building originally intended for sale of cloths; in a nem in 1781-1884 passed concerts of orchestra Gevandhauza - one of the oldest in Europe. An orchestra headed F.Mendelson, A.Nikish, V.Furtvengler, B.Walter, etc.
  • GUEVARA (Guevara) Antonio de (1480-1545), the spanish writer, the historian and the seminary student. Court Charles V. The writer of the instructive tract " Hours gosudarevy, or the Golden book about emperor Mark Avrelii " (1529), moralistic " Family letters " (1539-41), etc.
  • GUEVARA (Guevara de ac a dorcas) (Guevara de la Serna) Ernesto (CHe) (1928-67), the Latin American revolutionary. Was born in Argentina. In 1959-61 president of the National bank of Cuba, with 1961 minister for a national industry. In 1965 has abandoned Cuba for sharing in revolutionary movement of peoples of Latin America. In 1966-1967 supervised over guerilla motion in Bolivia; it is captured and killed.
  • GEVART (Gevaert) Francois (1828-1908), the Belgian musicologist, the composer. Transactionses on instrumentation, harmonies, antique music. Operas, cantatas, choruses. The director and the professor of the Bruxelles conservatory.
  • GEVELY (latinisen form Hevelius) JAn (1611-1687), the Polish astronomer, the founder selenografii. Has constructed an observatory in Gdansk. Has created the first comprehensive maps of moon (has emited in the book " Selenografija or the description of moon ", 1647). Has constituted the first regular review of all observed comets, the check list of rules of 1564 asters. Has discovered 4 comets.
  • GEVELING Nikolay Vladimirovich (1897-1946), the Russian scientist metalloved, the honored worker of science and technique of RSFSR (1940), the general - major of an engineering - air service. Transactionses on an air physical metallurgy. Has offered (1931) way of a hard-facing of alloys through a contact electroheating.
  • HEVEA, stem of evergreen trees of a set of a spurge family. St. 10 kinds, in tropical America. A hevea Brazilian - the main source of plant rubber (by a tapping from 1 tree receive 3-7,5 kg of rubber annually). It is cultivated in tropical countries.
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