Tuesday, May 29, 2007

  • LADYBUGS (koktsinellidy), a set of bugs. Length of 2-18 mm. Ok. 4000 kinds{views}, are distributed widely. Exterminate an aphid and other destructive insects (in Transcaucasia were used for a biological control with pests citrous, a tea). The few, napr., bahchevaja korovka, - pests of agricultural crops.
  • BOZE - the EINSTEIN CONDENSATION, phase change in the theoretical Bose gas, consisting in transition of macroscopicly major figure of particles in a condition with a null pulse; descends at low temperature when the wavelength de Brojlja thermal agitation of particles becomes an order of magnitude of mean distance between them.
  • BOZE - the EINSTEIN STATISTICS, quiantum statistics for systems of identical particles with integral spin (bosons). Idiosyncrasy Boze - the Einstein of statistics: in each quantum state there can be the arbitrary figure of particles.
  • BOZE SHatjendranat (1894-1974), indian physics. One of creators of quiantum statistics (statistics Boze - the Einstein).
  • BOSE GAS, quantum gas of particles (or quasi-particles) with integral spin (bosons); is subject Boze - the Einstein to statistics. Monoatomic gases concern to Bose gases with the atoms keeping an even number of nucleones (napr., 4Ne), gas of photons, etc.
  • BOSE LIQUID, quantum liquid from particles with integral spin (bosons). A Bose liquid is fluid 4Ne at temperatures, close to an absolute zero. Quasi-particles (quasi-particles) in a Bose liquid are subject Boze - the Einstein to statistics.
  • BOZNANSKAJA Olga (1865-1940), the Polish painter. Intimal realistic portraits spirit of impressionism plump in a mild, light gamma.
  • BOSON (Bose particle), particle or quasi-particle with integral spin; the system of identical bosons is subject Boze - the Einstein to statistics.
  • BOZORG ALEVI (r. 1904), the Iranian writer and the philologist. Collections of stories " Prison a note " (1941), "Letters" (1951; the Golden medal of the World, 1952), the social novel of " Its{Her} eye " (1952); ostrosotsialnye under the content, politically actual sketches "Leaders" (1978), "Anthill" (1989).
  • "BOEING" (Boeing), the company the USA on manufacture of transport jets. It is based in 1916. Sales volume 17 billion dol., a net profit 614 million dol., figure occupied in 147 thousand person (kon. 1980th).
  • "BOEING", non-proprietary name of airplanes of American firm " Boeing ". Among them a passenger aeroplane "Boeing - 747-300" (it is issued with 1983). Transports up to 660 passengers on distance up to 13500 kms with speed up to 940 km/h. A take-off mass ok. 380 t.
  • The BOEING (Boeing) William Edward (1881-1956), the American aircraft designer and the industrialist. In 1916 has based firm " Pasifik aero prodakts " (Pacific Aero Products), replaced the title in some months on " the Boeing erplejn " (Boeng Airplane Co.) and releasing up to 1927 basically military aeroplanes. Has organized mail traffic, in 1926 has created the air carrier. The modern firm " Boeing " has his{its} name.
  • The CROCKED EGGS, the organized armed conflict of subdividings, parts (ships{spacecrafts}), connections; can be combined-arms, anti-aircraft, air and marine. Kinds{views} of crocked eggs: offensive, defensive and counter.
  • BULLFIGHT, see. Bullfight.
  • BOLYAI (Bolyai) ß., see Bolyai I.
  • BOJGI, a stem the snake of a set of grass - snakes. Length up to 2 m. Ok. 30 kinds{views}, in JUzh. Asia and Indonesia, in tropical Africa and Australia. In Compare. Asia - indian bojga, length up to 1 m; it is very rare. The puncture bojgi is not hazardous to the person.
  • BOYD - ORR (Boyd Orr) John (1880-1971), the English scientist in range of an agriculture and dietetics, the public figure. The general director of Food and agricultural organization of the United Nations (1945-48). Transactionses on problems of metabolism and a feed of the person and animal. The Nobel Prize of the world (1949).
  • BOJE (Boye) Karin (1900-41), the Swedish writer. Love and philosophical lyrics - collections of "Cloud" (1922), " For the sake of a tree " (1935), anti-fascist novel "Kallokain" (1940).
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