Thursday, May 10, 2007

  • LEPIDOLIT, a mineral of group of micas of subclass of layered silikates, KLi2Al [AlSi3O10] (Fe, OH) 2. Impurity Rb, Cs, Na, etc. Pink, colourless crystals, foliaceous units. Hardness 2,5-3,5; firmness of 2,8 g / sm3. Meets in lithium pegmatitah and grejzenah. Ore of lithium.
  • LEPIN (Liepinja) Lydia Karlovna (1891-1985), Latvian fizikohimik, academician AN of Latvia (1951). The hero Socialist Transactionses (1965). The main transactionses are dedicated study of an adsorption and distribution of dissolved solids between liquid phases at surface chemical changes, in particular, metals with hydrogen and water, to making out of influence of colloid-chemical factors on inhibition of corrosion.
  • STUCCO MOULDING, orbs (figurate, ortamental) on fronts and in interiors of buildings, as a rule, cast or pressed from gypsum, concrete, etc.
  • LEPONTINSKIE the ALPES (ital. Alpi Lepontine), part Zap. The Alpes, in Switzerland and Italy. Length ok. 130 kms. Crests with acute tops an altitude up to 3578 m (. Blindenhorn). Saddle-points Saint Gothard and Simplon. Broad-leaved and coniferous forests, are higher than 1600-1800 m - mountain meadows and bushes. Icehouses, perpetually snow.
  • LE-PORES (Le Port) (Pores - de-Gale, Puent-de-Gale, Port-des-Galets, Pointe-des-Galets), city and a main port on about. Reunion. St. 20 thousand inhabitants. A food-processing industry.
  • LEPRA (leprosy), chronic contagion. It is invoked by mycobacteria, it is defined by a continuous incubation period, education dense, gradually izjazvljajushchihsja clusters on a leather, in other organs and tissues, a defeat of nerve cords. Ill a lepra isolate and treat in leprosoriums.
  • LEPROSORIUM, medical - labour establishment for ill a lepra.
  • MITE (grech. lepton), 1) a small-sized copper coin Other. Greeces. 2) the Token coin in the modern Greece, equal 1/100 drachmas. 3) (Figuratively) the instalment, the investment in any common cause.
  • LEPTIS-MAGNA (an armour. Leptis Magna), of 7 century up to n. e. - 11 century n. e. (for the modern Homs in Libya). Monuments of Roman time (residential districts, an amphitheatre, temples, a forum, etc.).
  • PIA-ARACHNITIS, inflammation of a mild meninx.
  • LEPTONIC CHARGE (leptonic number) (L), the internal characteristics of leptons; L = + 1 for leptons and-1 for antileptons. Distinguish: an electronic leptonic charge which electrons have only, positrons, electronic neutrinos and an antineutrino; a muonic leptonic charge which muons both muonic neutrinos and an antineutrino have only; a leptonic charge of heavy leptons and their neutrino. The algebraic sum of a leptonic charge of each type with very split-hair accuracy is saved at all interactions.
  • LEPTONS (from grech. leptos - mild), fundamental particles with a spin 1/2, not participating in a strong coupling. To leptons concern an electron, it is negatively the charged a muon and heavy? A lepton (with mass ok. Two proton masses), an electronic, muonic neutrino and their antiparticles.
  • CANICOLA FEVERS, acute communicable diseases of the person and animal, called leptospirami. At a hay fever icteric (disease Vejlja - Vasiljeva) - a fever, a pain in muscles and joints, yellows; at a hay fever bezzheltushnom (a water fever) - the same symptoms, but without an icterus. For animal - a fever, a yellows, abortions. Infection through a drinking water, products. The reservoir of the causal organism in a nature - rodents.
  • LEPTOSPIRY, a stem of bacteria from a set of spirochetes. Parasites, saprophytes.
  • LER (Llir), in the Celtic mythology the godhood starving, is mentioned in genealogies as one of ancestors of king Arthur.
  • LER Paul Andreevich (r. 1923), the Russian entomologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science (1992; corresponding member AN the USSR with 1987). The main probes on biology of wasp - flies, their use for extirpation with a locust.
  • LERAY (Leray) Jean (r. 1906), the French mathematician, foreign member AN the USSR with 1966. Transactionses on a functional analysis, topologies, to differential equations, a function theory. A golden medal him. Lomonosov AN the USSR (1989).
  • LERISH (Leriche) Ren (1879-1955), the French surgeon, one of osnovatelej a physiological direction in surgery, the creator of scientific school. Transactionses on surgery of sympathetic nervous system. Has described a number of the clinical sets of symptoms called as his name, has offered a number of surgical operations.
  • The DIE, the obsolete title of a cutting die.
  • To the DIE (Loerke) Oscar (1884-1941), the german poet. Books of metaphysical lyrics " Music of the Pan " (1915), " Secret city " (1921). The collection of anti-fascist verses " the Book of crimes " is issued posthumously (1958).
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