Thursday, May 10, 2007

  • "LIBERASON", the title of two organizations of the French Resistance movement; in the North - "Liberasjon-holes" and in the south - "Liberasjon-Sjud".
  • LIBEREC (Liberec), city in Czechia. 102 thousand inhabitants (1991). The textile centre; a machine industry. Textile fairs.
  • LIBERMAN Evsej Grigorjevich (1897-1981), the Russian economist. Has worked out a concept steering of an industry which ideas were the basis of economic reform 1965 in the USSR.
  • LIBERMAN (Liebermann) Maks (1847-1935), the german painter. Prolonging democratic traditions of german realism, figured scenes of transactionses ("Konservshchitsy", 1879); since 1890th wrote predominary impressionisticheskie landscapes (" the Cabbage field ", 1912).
  • LIBERT (Liebert) Hedgehogs (1904-31), the Polish poet. Religious, proniknutaja ethical search lyrics (collections " Other Rhodinum ", 1925; "Zakljatja", 1930; " the Firry lullaby ", it is published in 1932), the gained popularity already in 1960th. Transfers from Russian poetry of 19-20 centuries.
  • LIBERTINY (from an armour. libertinus - the freedman), in Other. Greeces, etc. Rome tempered on freedom or the redeemed slaves.
  • LIBERUM the VETO (an armour. liberum veto, from liberum - loose and veto - I provide against), the right of any member of parliament of Speech Pospolitoj the protest to liquidate the decree (his acceptance needed unanimity) parliament. For the first time it is applied in 1652, it is cancelled in 1791.
  • LIBIDO (an armour. libido - an appetence, desire, tendency), in a sexology sexual passion. One of the main concepts of a psychoanalysis of Z.Freud, meaning predominary unconscious sexual appetences which are capable (as against tendency to a self-preservation) to replacement and the composite conversion (to pathological regression or a sublimation, etc.). K.G.Jung in polemic with Freud has deprived with a libido of extremely sexual character, considering it as mental power generally, some kind of a metaphysical principle of psychics.
  • LIBITINA (an armour. Libitina), in Roman mythology the goddess of funeral; in its sanctuary lists died remained deposited, were funeral a fitting.
  • The LIEBIG (Liebig) JUstus (1803-73), the german chemist, the founder of scientific school, one of creators of an agrochemistry, foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1830). Has discovered (1823) isomerism. Has received a number of organic compounds. One of creators of the theory of radicals. The writer of the chemical theory of fermentation and rotting, the theory of a mineral nutrition of plants.
  • LIBITSE (Libice), an occupied point in Czechoslovakia, in region Srednecheshskoj, in 9-10 centuries the princely clasp; residues of strengthening, stone church, etc.
  • LIBKNEHT (Liebknecht) Wilhelm (1826-1900), one of osnovatelej (1869) and chiefs of Social-democratic party of Germany. The participant of Revolution 1848-49 in Germany. Since 60th 1-st participat in-process Internatsionala. In 1867-70 as the deputy Severo-German, with 1874 German rejhstaga sharply criticized spent external and internal policy. In 1876-78 coeditor (from V.Gazenkleverom), in 1891 editor-in-chief of the Central organ of Social-democratic party " Ôîðâåðòñ "; participat in organization and activity of 2-nd Internatsionala.
  • LIBKNEHT Charles (1871-1919), one of osnovatelej (1918) KP Germany. Son V.Libknehta. With 1900 member of Social-democratic party, belonged to its left-wing radical direction. In 1912-16 deputy German rejhstaga. In December 1914 Libkneht one voted in rejhstage against military credits. One of organizers of "Soyuz Spartaka"; invoked for an overthrow of the government, waging war. Has organized (from R.Ljuksemburg) the issuing of the newspaper " Rothe the fan ". It is brutally killed (together with R.Ljuksemburg) counter-revolutionarys.
  • LIBMAN (Liebmann) Otto (1840-1912), the german philosopher, the representative early neokantianstva. In the composition " the Cant and epigony " (1865) invoked to return " back to the Cant "; plotted the system on principles apriorizma and phenomenalism.
  • LIBRATIONS the POINT, a point in which the heavenly body driving under influence of an attraction of two other bodies of the considerable mass, can be in a condition of relational balance in relation to these two bodies. Near to a point of a libration is napr., each of planetoids of Trojans.
  • LIBRATION of the MOON (from an armour. libratio - swinging, oscillation), observed periodic majatnikoobraznye oscillations of moon concerning its center of mass. In outcome moon is converted to the Earth by not strictly one party, and a little pivoted on longitude and a latitude, so that straight visions 0,59 all lunar surfaces are available. The causes of a libration of moon: movement judder of moon on an orbit, difference of a figure of moon from the stringent spherical form.
  • LIBREVILLE (Libreville), capital (with 1960) Gabon, an administrative centre of range the Estuary firth. Ok. 352 thousand inhabitants (1988). A port on Atlantic ok. An international airport. The enterprises alimentary, textile, a woodworking industry; shipyards. University. It is based in 1849.
  • The LIBRETTO (ital. libretto, characters. - knizhechka), 1) the literary text of opera, an operetta, less often than an oratorio. Originally it was published by the way separate knizhechki (from here the title). 2) the Literary script of ballet, a pantomime. 3) the Statement of contents of opera, ballet. 4) the Subject plan or the scheme of the script of a movie.
  • LIBRIFORM (from an armour. liber - a bast, a bast and forma - the form), hardly elongated, cuspidate on the cleaning cloth the thick-walled wood cells ensuring its toughness and hardness. It is characteristic for a hardwood.
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