Friday, May 11, 2007

  • LOMONOSOV the BACKBONE, a submerged backbone in the Sowing. Ledovitom ok. Reaches from Novosibirsk islands through a central part of ocean up to about. Elsmir in Canadian Arctic arh. On 1800 kms, width from 60 up to 200 kms. Raises above an ocean bed on 3300-3700 m. Minimum depth above separate tops of 900 m. It is open in 1948. It is called named M.V.Lomonosova.
  • LOMONOSOVO, village (earlier d. Denisovka) in Holmogorskom r-not the Archangelical region where M.V.Lomonosov was born. A museum of Lomonosov.
  • LONGUM (2-3 centuries n. e.), the ancient greek writer, the writer of the love novel " Dafnis and Hloja ", transferred in prose of tradition bukolicheskoj poetry (see. Bukolika) and exerted influence pastoral motives of the european literature of 16-18 centuries.
  • LONGUM (Long) Margerit (1874-1966), the French pianist. In 1906-40 taught in the Parisian conservatory. (with 1920 professor). Has based natural school. In 1943 has organized together with Z.Tibo competition of pianists and violinists (with 1946 International them. M.Long - Z.Tibo).
  • LONGUM the CHANNEL, between about. Vrangelja and a coast of Asia. Bridges Vost.-Siberian and Chukchi starving. Length of 128 kms, the least width of 146 kms. Depth of 36-50 m. It is called named American kitoboja, captain T.Long.
  • LONGUM - AJLEND (Long Island), a low island in Atlantic ok., for coasts the USA. 4,5 thousand êì2. In a western part areas of New York - Brooklyn and Queens are located; in remaining terrain - basically holiday villages, parks, beaches. It is open in 1609 English seafarer G.Gudzonom.
  • LONGUM - WHIP (Long Beach), city on a southwest the USA, pieces. California, suburb of Los Angeles. 429 thousand inhabitants (1990). The largest port of the Pacific shore the USA (freight turnover over 40 million t annually). Center avia-and shipbuilding. Oil refining, a petrochemical industry. Branch of the Californian university. A climatic health resort.
  • LONGUMS (Longhi) Pjetro (1702-85), the italian painter. Stsenki from life of the venetian society society are ironic, written in light, pastel tints ("Concert", 1741).
  • LONGUMS Roberto (1890-1970), the italian historian of art. The explorer of italian art, bound the art and sociohistorical phenomena. The master atributsii.
  • LONGIN Korjazhemsky (mind. 1540), the founder and the first abbot Nikolaev Korjazhemskogo a monastery (near to. Solvychegodsk). Memory in the Orthodox church on February, 10 (23).
  • LONGIN Melitinsky (mind. 298), one of thirty three Christian martyrs - soldiers damaged in the Melitin in persecution of emperor Diokletiana. Memory in the Orthodox church on November, 7 (20).
  • LONGO (Longo) ZHanni (r. 1958), French sportsmenka (bicycle sport). CHempionka Olympic Games (1996) in the formation race and the silver prize-winner in race with partite start. 11-fold chempionka the world (in 1973-96) - 7 times on highway and 4 times on a racetrack. 29-fold chempionka France. Repeated rekordsmenka the world.
  • LONGO (Longo) Luigi (1900-80), the chairman Italian KP (IKP) with 1972. In 1964-72 secretary general IKP. With 1931 in guiding IKP. Was the General Inspector of International brigades in Spain, one of chiefs of guerilla motion in Italy in 1943-45. With 1948 deputy of parliament.
  • " The LONGUM - TERM the CREDIT BANK OF DZHAPAN " (Long-term Credit Bank of Japan, Ltd), the largest business bank of Japan specializing on long-term crediting and securities tradings. It is based in 1952.22 branches in country, 5 branches, 19 representations, 1 agency abroad. The sum of assets, an ownership capital, profit [bln. yens (billion dol. The USA)]; 161,9; 4,7; 0,892 (kon. 1980th).
  • LONGFELLO (Longfellow) Henry Uodsuort (1807-82), the American writer. The poet - romantik. In epicheskih poems, ballads, lyrics, often aphoristic - didactic, sentimental (on mood), combining both pesenno-folklore, and book tradition, reverted to heroic past the USA, to medieval legends, Christian subjects, convicted servitude and religious intolerance. Collections " For starving and the locus " (1849), "Migrants" (1858); poems "Evangelina" (1847), " the Ode about Gajavate " (1855; on the basis of American Indian legends), " Courtship Majlza Stendisha " (1858). Has translated into on the English tongue " the Heavenly comedy " Dante (t. 1-3, 1867). Novels, publicism.
  • LONGIR (Longyear), an administrative centre and a port arh. Svalbard (possession of Norway), on about. Spitsbergen. St. 1 thousand inhabitants. Center of a coal mining.
  • LONDON (London), city in a southeast of Canada, prov. Ontario. 360 thousand inhabitants (1989, with suburbs). A machine industry, a food-processing industry. University.
  • LONDON (Greater London) (Greater London), capital of the Great Britain, a port in an estuary firth of Thames, for Boreal m. The population 6,8 million person (1991). The conurbation of the Greater London will derivate a special administrative unit - metropolitenskoe county. A port capacity ok. 60 million t annually. International airports Hitrou and Getuik. A machine industry, especially avia-and an autostructure, electrotechnical, radio electronic; flavoring, impregnated-paper, polygraphic, chemical, a tailoring industry. Underground railway (the oldest in Europe, with 1863). Universities, technical colleges, Royal academies of drama art, music, dance, the London royal society, Royal academy of arts, the British academy, Royal institute of the Great Britain both many other educational and scientific institutes, scientific and other societies. More than 30 museums, including. The British museum, the Scientific museum, Victorias and Albert a museum, National passageway, Tejt passageway. Ok. 80 theatres: National, Royal Shakespearian, "Kovent-Garden", etc. Games IV and XIV Olympic (1908, 1948). The London - originally the Celtic settlement, from 1 century Roman military camp, with is grey. 4 century the considerable political centre of Roman Britain, with nach. 7 century - an Anglo-Saxon kingdom. With kon. 11 - nach. 12 centuries official capital of England, with 1707 - the Great Britain. The main areas naturally the London - City, Westminster, West End, East End. Gothic church (13-18 centuries) with chapel Genriha VIII (1503-19) in the westminster abbey; the clasp a Tower (since 11 century); a palace Hempton-court (with 1515); a cathedral over. Paul (1675-1710, architect K.Ren).
  • LONDON (London) Jack (an ice-film. A name John Griffit, Griffith) (1876-1916), the American writer. Neo-romantic stories (" Call of ancestors ", 1903) and stories about the North (collections: " the Son of the wolf ", 1900; " Children of a frost ", 1902; " Love to life ", 1906), about life on the pest (the novel "Old salt", 1904) combine poetry of an inclement nature, selfless bravery with the plotting of the heavy physical and intellectual tests received for the sake of enrichment. In a novel - Utopia " the Iron footstep " (1908) the entrainment for ideas of socialism was reflected. The autobiographical novel "Martin Eden" (1909) about destiny of the writer from people which has come to tragical disappointment in the modern civilization.
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