Friday, May 11, 2007

  • LOPOLIT (from grech. lopas - a bowl and... Lit), large, gently dipping lentiform intruziv, concave in a central part like a patella.
  • LOPSKIE CHURCHYARDS, the old russian title till 18 century of terrain from basin r. Kem in a north up to an eskar. Sjamozero in the south (a part of the modern Karelia). An aboriginal population - lop (saamy), karelians. 7 Russian churchyards (Seletsky, Padansky, etc.).
  • BURDOCK (agrimony), stem of biennial grasses of a set of a thistle family. Ok. 10 kinds, in Eurasia, on waste grounds, gullies, gardens, for roads, etc.). Shoots and roots are edible, in a number of countries the burdock is cultivated as a vegetable plant. Roots of some kinds are used in medicine (urinative, diaphoretic, etc.). Honey plants.
  • LOPUKHIN Alexander Pavlovich (1852-1904), the Russian orthodox seminary student, the professor of the Petersburg spiritual academy. The publisher and the editor of " the Orthodox doctrinal encyclopedia " (with 1900, t. 1-5).
  • LOPUKHIN Ivan Vladimirovich (1756-1816), the Russian statesman, the publicist. Spodvizhnik N.I.Novikova. With nach. 1780th it was pulled together to masons, one of organizers of the typographical company and a masonic printing house (1783), after hours which (1792) exposed to persuit on the part of government. With 1796 stats-secretary., then the senator. The writer of religious - mystical activities, memories.
  • BURDOCKS Feodor Vasiljevich (1886-1973), the Russian ballet dancer, the ballet master, the teacher, the national actor of Russia (1956). On the scene with 1905. Worked in Leningrad, Moscow, theatres of other cities. With 1962 organizer and the artistic administrator baletmejsterskogo branches of the Leningrad conservatory (with 1965 professor). Prolonging traditions of Russian ballet, renovated classical dance. Has exerted influence development of the Soviet and foreign ballet art. Books and articles about ballet.
  • LOPUSHANSKY Konstantin Sergeevich (r. 1947), the Russian film director and the musicologist. The chairman of Christian film-association of Saint Petersburg. Has delivered films: " Letters of the dead person " (1986), " the Visitor of a museum " (1989), " the Russian concordance " (1994).
  • LORAN (Laurent) Ogjust (1807-53), the French chemist. Transactionses on a structure of organic compounds (the theory of replacement, the theory of nucleus, 1836), legiblly distinguished concepts of atom and a molecule (1846).
  • LORAN Pierre Alfons (1813-54), the French mathematician and the engineer. Transactionses under the theory of analytic functions.
  • LORD (English lord), 1) in medieval England originally the feudal lord - landowner (lord of the manor, landlord), then the collective title of the English maximum nobility; it was appropriated to the peers of a kingdom who are generatrix a House of Lords of the British parliament. From 19 century a title lord complains for merits to scientists, crops. 2) the Constituent part of the name of some positions in the Great Britain (napr., the lord - chancellor - the chairman of a House of Lords, lord - mayor - the chapter of aboriginal government bodies in the London and other large cities).
  • LORDKIPANIDZE Grigory Davidovich (r. 1927), the Georgian producer, the national actor of the USSR (1979). In 1952-63 (with a rest) the producer, in 1964-67 director and the main producer, 1976-80 artistic administrator of Theatre him. Mardzhanishvili (Tbilisi). In 1967-76 director and main producer Rustavskogo of drama theatre. With 1985 artistic administrator of theatre of the musical comedy him. Abashidze. Has delivered multiseries t/f "Coasts". The state premium of the USSR (1981).
  • LORDKIPANIDZE Cyril Bezhanovich (1839-1919), the Georgian public figure, the journalist. The representative. "tergdaleulebi". In 1873-74 editor of newspaper "Droeba".
  • LORDKIPANIDZE Konstantin Aleksandrovich (1904/05-86), the Georgian writer the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1985), Roman " the Dawn of Colchis " (1931-51) about construction of new Georgian village, a cycle of stories " the Mors still will wait " (1968), a broad cloth of life of the modern Georgia in the novel for " the Magic stone " (hours 1-2, 1955-1965).
  • LORDKIPANIDZE Niko (Nikolay Merabovich) (1880-1944), the Georgian writer. Stories and short stories about life of the Georgian village, nobility; historical story "Liholetje" (1914-19), the historico-revolutionary novel " From paths on rails " (1928).
  • LORDOSIS (from grech. lordos - swan-neck), an inborn or bought rachiocampsis buldge kperedi, often in combination to other bendings.
  • LORAIN (Lorain), city in the USA, pieces. Ohio, 71 thousand inhabitants (1990). A mining port on an eskar. Erie. Iron and steel industry, ship-building, a metal-working industry. Manufacture of medical instruments, etc.
  • LOREN (Loren) (an ice-film. fam. SHikolone, Scicolone) Sofia (r. 1934), an italian film actress. It was taken out in films: " Gold of Naples ", "CHochara", " Bokkachcho, 70 ", " Hermits Altony ", " Yesterday, today, tomorrow ", " Spoilage in Italian ", "Seeds of sunflower", "Trip", " Most Leatherleafs ", etc.
  • LAWRENCE (Lawrence), city on north-east the USA, pieces. Massachusetts, boreal suburb of Boston. 70 thousand inhabitants (1990). The large centre radio electronic and electrical industry. Instrumentation technologies, metal working. Chemical, kozhevenno-boot, knitted, rubber industry. It is based in 1847.
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