Friday, May 11, 2007

  • POLES Vladimir Afanasjevich (r. 1941), the Russian astronaut. A pilot - astronaut of the USSR (1979), the colonel, doubly the Hero of Soviet Union (1979, 1983). Flights on "Soyuz - 32" and orbital station " Salute - 6 " (February August 1979), "Soyuz T-9" and orbital station " Salute - 7 " (June - November 1983), " Soyuz TM-5,-6 " and an orbital complex "World" (August September 1988).
  • POLES Ivan (? - ok. 1800), the Russian industrialist, the explorer of Novosibirsk islands. In 1770 has committed traveling north-up from headland St.. Naze, has described the islands called as his name. In 1773 has discovered about. Boiler.
  • LJAHOVICHI, city (with 1940) in Belarus, the Brest region. A depot. 10,7 thousand inhabitants (1989). Factories: lnoobrabatyvajushchy, canning, maslosyrodelnyj.
  • LJAHOVSKIE ISLANDS, austral group in archipelago of Novosibirsk islands (Russian Federation) consisting of B.Ljahovskogo (the area ok. 5,3 thousand êì2, an altitude up to 270 ì), M.Ljahovskogo (the area 1325 êì2) and Long-pillar (the area 170 êì2) islands on border in m. Laptevyh and the East - Siberian m. Are called named I.Ljahova.
  • LJASHKO (an ice-film. fam. Ljashchenko) Nikolay Nikolaevich (1884-1953), the Russian writer. The story "Blast furnace" (1925) about the beginning of industrialization in the USSR. The autobiographical novel " Sweet penal servitude " (hours 1-2, 1934-36).
  • LJASHCHENKO Peter Ivanovich (1876-1955), the Ukrainian economist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1943), academician AN of Ukraine (1945). The main transactionses on agrarian problems and histories of a national economy of the USSR. The state premium of the USSR (1949).
  • , the second character of the Russian alphabet; goes back to the cyrillic character ("beeches").
  • BA, in the Chinese mythology spirit of the drought dwelling in the south; it is figured by the way woman volant by air. Bears a drought, famine and mors.
  • BA GUA, art work of universe, designed in drevnekitajskom tract "Itszin". Will consist of eight (ba) three gramme (gua); from them each is combination of three lines and symbolizes the party of light correlated to different natural phenomena, animal, etc.
  • BA TSZIN (an ice-film. A name of Lie Fejgan) (r. 1904), the Chinese writer. The trilogy " Precipitant flow " (1933-40) about disintegration of feudal family, the patriotic novel "Fire" (1943), the novel " Chamber N 4 " (1945).
  • BAADE (Baade) Walter (Uolter) (1893-1960), the german astronomer. In 1931-58 in the USA. Has placed a sidereal nature of a nucleus of a galaxy of the Andromeda and its different bright guides, existence of two phylums of a stellar population in galaxies. Probeed variable and novas, has discovered asteroids Gidalgo and an Icarus.
  • BAADER (Baader) Frants Ksaver a background (1765-1841), the german religious philosopher, the doctor, the scientist, the representative of philosophical romanticism and not orthodox catholicism.
  • BAAL (to the Dancing party, the Baal), ancient obshchesemitskoe the godhood of fertility, waters, wars. It was honored in Phoenicia, Palestine and Syria, then his cult was distributed to the west (to Egypt, Greece, etc.).
  • BAAL-SHEM-TOV ISRAEL BEN ELIEZER (abbr. BESHT) (ok. 1700-60), the jewish thinker - mistik, the founder of sect of Chassids and the largest authority hasidizma.
  • BAALBEK, city in Lebanon, for foot hr. Anti-Lebanon. Ok. 20 thousand inhabitants. Debris ancient (since 18 century up to n. e.) Heliopolis, Julia - Avgusty-Feliks the latest Roman colony. Residues of temples and public constructions.
  • BAAS (the arab., characters. - revitalization), the title of the Consignment of Arabian socialist revitalization used in the literature.
  • SKULL CRACKERS (naturally Sejid Ali Mohammed) (1819-50), the founder of sect babidov. In 1844 has declared itself Babom, i.e. "gate" through which the will of the prophet - deliverer (mahdi) should be transmitted to people. In 1847 it arrested; in time babidskih revolts in Iran rasstreljan.
  • SKULL CRACKER, in technique - a working impact part of tups, rum engines and other machines; a wooden pig for a manual pile driving.
  • SKULL CRACKER (Baba) Korneliu (r. 1906), the Romanian painter, the honorary member AH the USSR (1958). Psychologic portraits, landscapes, scenes of country life ("Peasants", 1958) differ the steep zoetic truth, expressiveness of a constrained gamma and the pastose pattern.
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