Wednesday, May 23, 2007

  • POTENTIAL FUNCTIONS, in music - see. Functions tone.
  • FOURIER ANALYSIS, section of mathematics, the bound with decomposition of batch processs on Protozoa wave constituents - harmonics.
  • HARMONIC SERIES, a numerical number
  • Members of a harmonic series tend to zero, however the harmonic series misses.
  • HARMONIC AVERAGE, value?, revertive with which is mean arithmetical values, revertive to data (à1, à2..., àn):? = n / (1/à1 + 1/a2 +... + +1/an).
  • HARMONY, indicative means of music, founded at association of tints in consonances and in-signalling consonances in their serial motion. The main phylum of a consonance - a chord. Harmony is under construction under fixed laws lada in mnogogolosnoj to music of any warehouse - homophonies, polyphonies. Elements of harmony - cadences and modulations - the major factors of the musical form. The doctrine about harmony - one of main sections of the theory of music (see. Musicology).
  • HARMONY (grech. harmonia - communication, orderliness, a proportionality), a proportionality of parts, interflow of different components of object in the unified organic whole. In ancient greek philosophy - organization of cosmos, as opposed to chaos. In a history of an aesthetics it was considered as the essential characteristics perfect. See also Harmony of orbs, Precontent harmony.
  • HARMONY VOCAL, likening of vocal affixes vocal the radical to an attribute of a place of education, labializatsii, etc.; a version of incentive assimilation. It is eurysynusic in agglutinating tongues (see. An agglutination).
  • HARMONY of ORBS (music of orbs), the antique estetiko-cosmological doctrine, telescoped pifagoreizmom and popular down to new time: cosmos - a number of celestial spheres (moon, the Sun, five planets, fixed asters), each of which at rotation emits the musical note; distance between orbs and notes issued by them correspond to harmonic musical intervals.
  • GARMSIL (tadzh. garmsel), a dry and hot wind such as a foehn, blowing predominary in the summer from the south and a southeast in piedmonts of Kopet Dagh and Zap. Tjan-SHanja.
  • GARNA, a cloven-hoofed animal of a set polorogih. Length of a body up to 1,5 m. For samtsov turbinal horns (length up to 70 sm). Dwells on plains of India. Garna very fast runs, dazzlingly springs. A hunt on garn - the widespread kind of sport in India. Get also for the sake of meat which is thought much, both horns. Number and an area are reduced.
  • GARNAEV Jury Aleksandrovich (1917-67), the Russian pilot. The deserved pilot - verifier of the USSR (1964), the Hero of Soviet Union (1964). Tests of upright taking off apparatuses, recovery aids of the pilot, of some helicopters and kinds of their application (fire control, etc.). Has perished at rendering assistance in extinguishing a wilderness fire from helicopters in France.
  • HARNACK (Harnak) (Harnack) Adolf (1851-1930), the german Protestant seminary student and the church historian. The writer of fundamental transactionses on nazarenism, the Christian literature and a history of tenets which he considered as " building of the Grecian spirit on soil of gospels ". With 1888 professor in Berlin, the general director of Prussian state (1905-21 library, the president of the Evangelichesko-social congress (1903-12), with 1910 president founded under his initiative of the Society of assistance to science of emperor Wilhelm (with 1948 - Society Maksa of the Planck).
  • GARNETS, a volume measure of loose ph. 1 garnets = 1/8 chetverika (3,2798 ë).
  • GARNI, drevnearmjanskaja strength and a settlement in 27 kms to the orient from Yerevan (Armenia). Are based ok. 2 century up to n. e. At-sight eneoliticheskogo settlements. Ruins of protecting walls, a pagan temple (1 century n. e., it recovered in 1975; greko-Roman peripter with ionicheskimi columns), circular 4-àïñèäíîãî the cupola Christian temple (6 century). In a settlement at strength - a basil (5 century), ruins of a fortification, a palace with ceremonial a log gorge, vinodelnej and a bath with a Roman mosaic floor (3-2 centuries up to n. e.)
  • GARNIERITE, mineral, nickeliferous version of serpentine asbestos, (Ni, Mg) 6 [Si4Î10] (HE) 8. Veins, green clumps in basic rocks. Ore of a nickel.
  • GARRISON (frants. garnison), 1) military units, military schools and the establishments located permanently or temporarily in a fixed occupied point or area with content borders. 2) the Signals Commands defending a base (a long-time shore fortification, strength).
  • GARRISON SCHOOLS, in 1721-98 in Russia the lowest category of military schools at army garrisons for children of soldiers. Trained to the letter, drill, ammunition and to engineering. About 15 flying pupils were paid in army. With nach. 19 century are reorganized in kantonistskie schools.
  • WALL ACCRETION (frants. garnissage), the solid blanket which is generatrix at a smelt on a work face of walls of some metallurgical units as a result of a physicochemical interaction of a blend and gases (and in furnaces with lining - and refractories). Sometimes a wall accretion specially naplavljajut for protection of a work face of walls.
  • GARNITURES (frants. garniture), a kit, a panel of the subjects serving for any one purpose (napr., furniture garnitures).
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