Thursday, May 17, 2007

  • VAN DONGEN (van Dongen) Ditty bags (1877-1968), the French artist. By origin the Dutch. Bordering on to fovizmu, in 1900th has become famous for temperamental, inking cloths with the plotting of dancers, demimondaines, women portraits.
  • VAN LIN GUAN (a whale. The wonderful officer Van), the Chinese godhood - a saver of an orifice. His statues put for an orifice in a temple, in myths he guards palace JUj-di.
  • VAN MAN (45 up to n. e. - 23 n. e.), emperor of China with 9 n. e. (as a result of palace tumble). Attempted to conduct reforms (liquidation of a private property on ground, the interdiction of sale and purchase of slaves, etc.).
  • VAN of MINES (CHen SHaojuj) (1904-74), the Chinese statesman, the member of the Political bureau of a Central Committee and the secretary of Central Committee KP of China (handheld computer) in 1931-45. In 1931 acted as the secretary general of a Central Committee of a handheld computer.
  • VAN SENT (Van Sant) Gas (r. 1952), the American film director. Worked in advertising, is engaged in painting. At kino started with malobjudzhetnyh experimental films to which have paid attention criticism. Films " the Pharmaceutical cowboy " (1979), " Wash personal staff of Idaho " (1991), " Even it happens water - rails sadly " (1994) were recognized on international film festivals. In 1995 has delivered first vysokobjudzhetnyj film " To die for... ".
  • VAN SJANCHZHI (?-878), one of chiefs in Country war 874-901 in China. In 878 his army it is routed, he has perished.
  • VAN SJAONUN (1857-1918), the Chinese actor and the playwright. Acted at different theatres of country. The best role - the poet of Lie Bo in the play " Nomadic emperor ". The writer of plays " the Bleeding in a temple of ancestors ", " Prepodnesenie maps ", a drama cycle " Three damnations ", etc. In 1912 participat in-process " Societies on reform of a drama " in Tianjin.
  • VAN TAO (1828-97), one of ideological precursors of reformatory motion in China (see " Hundred days of reforms "). A translator and the publicist. Transactionses about a political formation of countries of the West. Acted with the program of encouragement of trade and an industry.
  • VAN TIGEM F. E. Ë., see Tigem F. E. Ë. van.
  • VAN FLEK (Van Vleck) John Hazbruk (1899-1980), American physics. Transactionses on a quantum theory of magnetism and a solid. The Nobel Prize (1977, together with F.Andersonom and N.Mottom).
  • With VAN FIND FAULT, drevnekitajsky tsar of the season In-Shang. It was figured keeping birds in both arms.
  • VAN HAJZ (Van Hise) CHarlz Richard (1857-1918), the American geologist. The main transactionses on a Pre-Cambrian of Canadian shield and problems of metamorphism.
  • VAN CHUN (27 - ok. 104), the Chinese philosopher. The main composition " Weighing of reasonings " (" Lun hen ") integrates ideas konfutsianstva and daosizma, proniknuto rationalism and criticism of religious prejudices, contains the theory of three phylums of a human nature: kind, malicious, aligning kindly and angrily.
  • VAN SHU, in the Chinese mythology celestial voznichy, carrying moon.
  • VAN SHUHE (210-285), the Chinese doctor. In the book " About pulse " (t. 1-10, 280) has stated the doctrine about his diagnostic and prognostic value. Transactionses Van SHuhe has formed the basis of doctrine Ibn Siny about pulse.
  • VAN EJK (van Eyck), the Netherlands painters, founders of the Netherlands art of 15 century, brothers: 1) Hubert (ok. 1370-1426), probably, the beginnings " the Ghent altar ". 2) JAn (ok. 1390-1441) which art, founded on submissions about unity and harmony of universe, has innovatively reflected diversiform beauty of the substantial world and the person. In a new fashion having applied technique of painting by oil, convincingly transmitted illusion gap-filling light of the space, the object world. Religious patterns, portraits (" the Ghent altar ", is ended 1432; a portrait of marital partners Arnolfini, 1434), miniatures.
  • VAN JANMIN (Van SHouzhen) (1472-1529), the Chinese philosopher - neokonfutsianets, the writer, the statesman. Started with unity of knowledge and action in moral conduct and asserted, that the knowledge is determined by moral standards, congenitals inherent in the person. His doctrine was distributed also in Korea and Japan.
  • VANAG (Vanag) Julias (1903-86), the Latvian writer. Collections of lyrical verses " the Steep ploughing " (1950), " Bitter flowers " (1960), "Poetry" (1973), " Recollect, a youth washing " (1976); plays.
  • VANADATES of metals, salt vanadic acids, not discharged in a free state, napr. Vanadate of natrium NaVO3. Vanadates - intermediate products in manufacture of vanadium, components of glasses, glazes, laser materials, crystalline phosphors, etc. reactants in an analytical chemistry. Apply in an analytical chemistry.
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