Friday, May 18, 2007

  • VERROKKO (Verrocchio) (an ice-film. A name di Mikele CHoni, di Michele Cioni) Andrea del (1435 or 1436-88), the italian sculptor, the painter, the jeweller. The representative florentinskoj schools of Early Revitalization. Combined realistic finding actions with attenuatous aristocratism (a statue "David", 1473-75, a monument kondotjeru Kolleoni in Venice, 1479-88, " epiphany of the Christ ", ok. 1470, together with Leonardo yes Vinci).
  • The VERSAILLES PEACE TREATY 1783, is signed the USA and their allies - by France, Spain, Netherlands, on the one hand, and the Great Britain - with other; has finished War for independence in Boreal America 1775-83. Great Britain has recognized independence and the sovereignty the USA.
  • The VERSAILLES PEACE TREATY 1919, the agreement which has finished 1-¯ world war. It is signed in Versailles on June, 28 by mandatory powers - winners - the USA, British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, Belgium, etc., on the one hand, and the defeated Germany - with other. Terms of the contract have been produced on the Parisian nonpredatory conference 1919-20. Under the Versailles peace treaty Germany transmitted to France Alsace and Lorraine (in borders 1870), Belgium - districts Malmedi and Ejpen, Poland - Poznan, parts of Pomorze, etc. terrain Zap. Prussia; Danzig (Gdansk) has been declared by free city. Memel (Klaipeda) it is transferred to management of mandatory powers - winners (in February 1923 it is adjoined to Lithuania). A problem on state fitting SHlezviga, austral part Vost. Prussia and the Upper Silesia should be decided by the plebiscite (boreal part SHlezviga has transfered in 1920 to Denmark, a part of the Upper Silesia in 1922 - to Poland; other batable grounds have remained with Germany). The small plot silezskoj terrains headed out to Czechoslovakia. Primordial Polish grounds - on the right to coast of Oder, Nizh. Silesia, a large part of the Upper Silesia, etc. - have remained with Germany. Saar passed on 15 flying under steering of League of the Nations, and then his destiny should be decided by the plebiscite. Germany undertook to respect independence of Austria, recognized independence of Czechoslovakia and Poland. The German part of a left bank of Rhein and a strip of a dextral coast in width of 50 kms were subject to demilitarization. Colonys of Germany have been divided between main mandatory powers - winners. The overland army of Germany has been limited to 100 thousand person, other limitations in arms are established also. Germany has undertaken to pay reparations. An integral part of the Versailles peace treaty the status of League of the Nations was. The USA did not ratify the Versailles peace treaty and in August 1921 have concluded with Germany the special agreement almost identical to the Versailles peace treaty, but not keeping points about League of the Nations.
  • VERSALTSY, the title given Parisian kommunarami 1871 government (led by Tjerom), justified in Versailles, and subject to him to a troops. With the help of Prussian interventionists versaltsy have severely suppressed the Commune of Paris.
  • VERSIFICATION (from an armour. versus - a verse and facio - I put aside money), the same, that stihoslozhenie.
  • The VERSION (from sr .-eyelid.s of an armour. versio - turning movement), one of arguments of any circumstance, the fact. In inquest on criminal case one of suppositions concerning originating, character and interrelations content on the facts.
  • VERST, Russian linear measure, to equal 500 sazhens (1,0668 kms). Till 20 century there was surveying a verst (1000 sazhens; 2,1336 kms), used for a surveying and definition of distances between occupied points.
  • IMPOSITION, in Russian state of 16-17 centuries transfer of noblemen, children seignioral and policemen of cossacks on a military service with simultaneous destination of a plot of land (manor) and the money salaries.
  • SETTING STICK, in polygraphy - 1) the adaptation for hand setting lines by the way a metal plate with beads. Into a setting stick interpose letters and probelnyj a material. 2) the Unit of the line casting machine in which the matrix - wedge line will be derivated.
  • IMPOSITION, in polygraphy - 1) drawing up of pages (strips) of the newspaper, the log-book, the book of the fixed dimension of the collected lines, titles, case histories, etc. according to sectoring or a breadboard model. 2) the Reprint (proof) with imposed a panel, intended for proofreading.
  • VERSTOVSKY Alexey Nikolaevich (1799-1862), the Russian composer and the theatrical figure. The representative of romanticism to Russian music. Operas, including " Askoldova a tomb " (1835); romances, a ballad " the Black wimple " (1823), etc. One of founders Russian an opera - vaudeville (" who the brother, who the sister ", 1834, etc.). 35 flying worked at the Moscow theatres, including control office of Management of the Moscow imperial theatres.
  • VERT (Werth) Alexander (1901-69), the English journalist and the publicist. Within 2-nd world war the correspondent of some the English newspapers and Bi-Bi-Si in the USSR. The main compositions: " Russia in war. 1941-1945 ", " France. 1940-1955 ".
  • VERTEXUM (an armour. vertex), a point of celestial sphere to which residual (peculiar) proper motions of some set of asters are predominary directed.
  • CAVERN, 1) a cave; potaennoe a place (ustar.). 2) the Place where are going with criminal or other unseemly purposes, the den. 3) the National Ukrainian puppet theater which was become popular in 17-19 centuries. Dolls, reinforced on a strand inside a 2-multistage box - a cavern, were actuated vertepshchikom. Scenes on biblical scenes, satirical interludes were accompanied by music, founded on national motives. The cavern is close Byelorussian batlejke, to Russian theatre of the Parsley.
  • "VERTEPNIKI", a circle raznochintsev in Moscow in 1855-59 (P.N.Rybnikov, M.J.Sviridenko, A.A.Kozlov, etc.), democrats and Utopian socialists. Has broken up in connection with dispatch Rybnikova and establishment of police surveillance for remaining.
  • VERTESHSELESH, parking of an initial paleolith ok. Budapest (Hungary). Residues of brome grasses, bones animal, primitive stone beards and pebbly instruments. Wreckages of a skull of the person, close sinantropu are retrieved.
  • VERTICAL FLUE (from an armour. verticalis - vertical), the great circle of celestial sphere passing through zenith and a nadir. A vertical flue keeping points of the west and the orient, call as the first vertical flue.
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