Tuesday, May 22, 2007

  • VOLKOVYSK, city in Belarus, Grodno region, on r. It was grown. A railway junction. 42 thousand inhabitants (1991). Factory of the foundry equipment, etc.; a software of a building materials; a food-processing industry. A military - historical museum him. P.I.Bagration. It is known from 13 century.
  • VOLKOGONOV Dmitry Antonovich (1928-1995), the Russian historian, the doctor of historical and philosophical sciences, the professor, the general - colonel (1986). With 1984 deputy chief of Main political steering the Soviet Army and a VTR. In 1988-91 chief of Institute of a military history of the Ministry of Defence of the USSR. With 1991 chairman of some commissions of government of the Russian Federation and the President of the Russian Federation. Transactionses on a history, philosophy, problems of policy.
  • VOLKONSKAJA Zinaida Aleksandrovna (1789-1862), princess, the Russian writer. Interior Volkonskoj in Moscow in 1826-27 was visited by A.S.Pushkin. In 1829 has leaved for Italy. Verses, poems, stories in Russian, French, italian tongues.
  • VOLKONSKAJA Maria Nikolaevna (1805-63), princess, the daughter of general N.N.Raevskogo, the wife of decembrist S.G.Volkonsky, the friend A.S.Pushkin which devoted to her verses. In 1827 has followed the husband in Transbaikalia. The writer of "Notes".
  • VOLKONSKY Andrey Mihajlovich (r. 1933), the Russian composer. Acted as klavesinist both the organist. The organizer and the artistic administrator of band of arcaded music "Madrigal" (1964-73, Moscow). Chamber cantatas " the Suite of mirrors " (1960), " Petitions SHCHazy " (1964), compositions for a chamber orchestra, tool band, a piano.
  • VOLKONSKY Mihail Nikolaevich (1860-1917), prince, the Russian writer, the playwright. Parody opera " Vampuka, princess African " (1900; see an item " Vampuka... "). Historical novels and stories (" Maltese a circuit ", 1891; " Will of destiny ", 1893; " the Ring of the empress ", 1896, etc.); stories, feuilletons, plays.
  • VOLKONSKY Peter Mihajlovich (1776-1852), the Russian general - field marshal (1850), svetlejshy prince (1834), the honorary member Petersburg AN (1813). The participant of Domestic war 1812. With 1826 minister for an imperial yard and destinies.
  • VOLKONSKY Sergey Grigorjevich (1788-1865), the decembrist, prince, the general - major. The participant of Domestic war of 1812 and oversea marchings. The member of " Soyuz of prosperity " and the Austral society, one of directors Kamenskoj of justice. It is convicted on 20 flying of penal servitude. With 1826 in Nerchinskih mines, in 1835-56 on a settlement in Irkutsk lips. In 1861 abroad it was pulled together to A.I.Gertsenom and N.P.Ogarevym.
  • VOLKONSKY Sergey Mihajlovich (1860-1937), prince, the Russian writer, the art critic, the theatrical figure. Grandson S.G.Volkonsky and M.N.Volkonskoj. Activities on problems of a general aesthetics; articles about theatre. Books " my memories " (t. 1-2, 1923-24), " About decembrists. On family memories " (1921). With kon. 1921 in emigration in Paris.
  • VOLLASTON (Vullaston) (Wollaston) William Hyde (1766-1828), the English scientist. Has discovered (1801) irrespective of I.Rittera a ultraviolet radiation, has constructed the refractometer (1802) and a goniometer (1809). Has discovered a palladium (1803) and rhodium (1804), for the first time has received (1803) in the pure state platinum.
  • WOLLASTONITE (table spar), mineral of subclass of chain silikates, Ca3 [Si3O9]. White, radiative and shelly units. Hardness 5-5,5; firmness of 2,9-3,0 g / sm3. By origin kontaktovo-metamorphic. Raw material for the thin ceramics; zvuko-and a heat insulator.
  • CORRUGATED PARROT, bird of order of parrots. Length ok. 20 sm (about half - a tail). In Center. Australia. It is well multiplied in a captivity. A plumage predominary green. White, yellow, light-blue, violet and other corrugated parrots are introduced.
  • VOLNOVAHA, city (with 1938) on Ukraine, Donetsk region. A railway junction. 26,4 thousand inhabitants (1989). The enterprises alimentary, a building materials of an industry, etc.
  • WAVE OPTICS, section physical the opticians, investigator set of such phenomena, as a diffraction of light, interference of light waves, polarization of light in which the undular nature of light shows.
  • UNDULAR DRIVE, mechanic drive (gear, friction, screw); will consist of rigid and nonrigid elements (one of which is made fast) and t. n. The generator of waves. Due to a special kinematics of interaction between them undular drive ensures the considerable transmitting attitudes (> 100).
  • The WAVE FUNCTION (state vector), in a quantum mechanics a fundamental quantity circumscribing a system condition both permitting to find probabilities and average values of physical quantities defining her. The square of a module of wave function is peer to probability of the given condition, therefore wave function call also as a probability amplitude.
  • The WAVEGUIDE, the channel, having a sharp cut-off along which are distributed electromagnetic (radio waveguide) or acoustical (acoustic waveguide) of a wave. A radio waveguide the metal tubing, the dielectric rod, etc. can minister; the acoustic waveguide - an acoustic tube on courts, layers of air in an atmosphere and waters in the ocean, distinguished on temperature (terrestrial waveguide).
  • SURGE RESISTANCE... 1) in soundman: in gas and a liquid - attitude of a noise load in a running flat sound wave to vibratory speed of particles of medium, it is equal to product of firmness of medium on a speed of sound in her; in solids for longitudinal waves surge resistance - attitude of the mechanic pressure taken with the sign reversed, to vibratory speed of particles of medium.... 2) In hydromechanics - a part gidro-and an aerodynamic drag, defining energy consumption on wave development, napr., the waves which are generatrix on a water plane at motion of the ship, the shockwaves originating at ultrasonic flight of an airplane, and t. d.... 3) In an electrodynamics surge resistance of transmission lines - attitude of pressure to current intensity in any point of a line on which electromagnetic waves are distributed; surge resistance of medium - attitude of voltages of electrical and magnetic fields of the electromagnetic waves extending in medium.
  • WAVE EQUATION, differential equation with partial derivatives of 2-nd order, circumscribing a spreading mud process of disturbances in some medium. Napr., small oscillations of the stretched catgut are described by wave equation where u (h, t) - required function - deviation of a catgut from static baycenter in a point with coordinate h in the moment t, a - rate of propagation of a disturbance along a catgut.
  • WAVE NUMBER, module of a wave vector; it is connected to a circular frequency w, a phase velocity of a wave vô and its length a ratio: k=2?/?? w/vô. In optician and spectroscopies often call as a wave number value, revertive to a wavelength: k=1/?.
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