Tuesday, May 22, 2007

  • The VYBORG PARTY, historical area of Saint Petersburg, in a north-east part of city, on the right to coast of Neva. The title on a road to Vyborg. Many large factories, the Finnish passenger depot.
  • SELECTIVE SUPERVISION, statistical study of a part of the set (sampling) organized so that was ensured its correspondence to properties of set general. A selective way receive a part of cramps at population censuses.
  • ELECTORS, in some states the faces directly voting at indirect samplings for the candidate for the position of the president (napr., in the USA), in deputies of parliament, etc.
  • WEATHERING, process of destruction and chemical change of rocks in conditions of a surface or near to it under influence of temperature variations, chemical and mechanic atmospheric exposure, water and organisms. Distinguish physical (mechanic), chemical and organic (under influence of vital activity of organisms) a weathering.
  • WEATHERING of the DEPOSIT, the deposits of the mineral wealths which have arisen over bark of a weathering at decomposition of rocks for a surface of the Earth under influence of water, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and also organic and mineral acids. Among a weathering of deposits distinguish infiltratsionnye deposits and residual deposits. To a weathering to deposits some deposits of ores Fe, Mn, S, Ni, bauxites, a caolin, an apatite, barite concern.
  • DISLOCATION, nonperishable offset of the articulate cleaning cloth of bones for limits of their normal motility, sometimes with a breakage of an articulate ascus and svjazok and an output of the articulate extremity of one of bones from an ascus (at traumas, diseases of joints).
  • BREEDING, transition from parcels to inquests (conclusions) on regulations of logic (see also Deduction).
  • PROLIFEROUS KIDNEYS, organs some paporotnikovidnyh and seed plants; will be derivated often on leaves (napr., for briofilljuma); are sometimes modified in cloves (for a toothwort and some lilies - in axils of leaves). Are capable to be abjointed from a parent organism and, sprouting to give new plants.
  • PROLIFEROUS BIRDS, group of birds, which nestlings at once after a hatching from eggs are capable to travel self-contained and even to search I peep, napr., a filling, cranes. Compare. Ptentsovye birds.
  • LEAD-OUT MARTEN, " a marten wedding ", in Russia 15-16 centuries the wedding duty for the benefit of the state or the feudal lord from relatives of the bride giving in marriage in other principality, volost, city, abroad. Later a lead-out marten called as "breeding", his dimension was determined by the agreement of the parties (it is cancelled for state krestjanok in 1775, for privately owned - after reform 1861).
  • FLIGHT OF CAPITAL, export of capital, implements private concerns and the state. The capital is taken out in two ground forms: the enterprise capital (an investment in an industry, an agriculture, trade, etc.) and the loan capital (by the way loans). Originally the capital from developed capitalist countries was removed in economically backward countries, colonys and semi-colonial territories. After 2-nd world war characteristic the phenomena the relative flood of capitals from one developed capitalist countries in other has become; the considerable role has become to play flight of capital in the form of state loans and credits of international financial organizations.
  • EXPORT COUNTRY (a breeding country), in Russia 15-16 centuries withdrawal by the feudal lord of peasants from the former master (under the arrangement with them or violently). With introduction reserved a flying alongside with an output country export country has been subjected to the interdiction. The cathedral establishment 1649 has placed irredeemable investigation on affairs about export country.
  • VYG, the river in Karelia. Up to a lockin in Vygozero has the title Upper Vyg (135 kms), after escaping him - Lower Vyg (102 kms). The m runs in White. Average discharge of water 267 m3 / with. Lower Vyg logins the Belomorsko-Baltic channel; a coordinated hydroelectric system.
  • VYGODOVSKY (an ice-film. fam. Duntsov) Paul Fomich (1802-81), the decembrist, the bureaucrat, from peasants. The member of the Society of coherent slavs. It is convicted on 2 years of penal servitude. For antigovernment and antireligious compositions in 1855-71 in the reference in Viljujske.
  • VYGOZERO (water reservoir Vygozerskoe), in Karelia. The area 1159 êì2. Depth up to 18 m. On Vygozere - Segezha. Logins the Belomorsko-Baltic channel.
  • PASTURE, plot with a pasture for a grazing of cattle.
  • VYGONKA plants, obtaining of vegetables (potherb of a parsley, a celery, a green onions), colours (a rose - tree, a lilac, a pink, a tulip), berries (wild strawberry, a grape) in nonseasonal time for them, napr., in the winter. Carry out in hothouses, greenhouses, cellars.
  • DEFLAGRATION (deflagration), transition of a knocking of a blasting explosive in burning; in collieries can call a fire-damp explosion, etc.
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