Thursday, May 10, 2007

  • WHETHER BONDS (ok. 510-548), the chief of revolt in 541-544 in Vietnam against the Chinese aggressors. After their expulsion (544) has proclaimed itself emperor.
  • WHETHER (Lee) Bruce (1941-73), the American film actor. For the first time acted in a film in the age of 6-òè months (" the Girl of a golden gate ", 1941). In 1946 under an alias of Lie Sjao Kung (the Small dragon) has executed the first main part in film "Beginning". Studied battle art kun-fu in Hong Kong, has discovered natural school in the USA. " The green bornet " (1966) was taken out in a teleserial. In Hollywood debuted film "Marlou" (1969). It was taken out in films: " Kulaks of fury " (1972), " Recurring of a dragon " (1973).
  • WHETHER (Leigh) Vivien (1913-67), the English actress. On the scene with 1935 (theatre " Old Vick ", etc.). It was taken out in films: " Blown by a wind ", " Most of Waterloo ", " Lady Hamilton ", " the Ship of fools ", etc.
  • WHETHER GVANSU (1892-îê. 1951), the Korean writer. One of initiators of the modern Korean prose (the novel "Callousness", 1917). Ideas of nationalism are reflected in historical novels " the Genuine history of king Tandzhona " (1928-29), the "Earth" (1932-33). Autobiographical novels. With 1939 cooperated to Japanese colonial authorities. From 1945 cable cores in JUzh. To Korea.
  • WHETHER HYENAS (1895-1984), the Korean writer. One of organizers of the Korean federation of proletarian art. The educational novel. " The native party " (1934); in the novel "Earth" (hours 1-2, 1948-1960) - understanding of vicissitudes in village after an agrarian reform in the Sowing. To Korea (1946); the trilogy " River Tumangan " (1954-64) - the annals of ideological and political life of Korea kon. 19 - it is grey. 20 centuries.
  • WHETHER GJUBO (1169-1241), the Korean poet. Wrote on hanmune. First in the Korean literature epicheskaja a poem "Sovereign Tonmen" (1194); verses.
  • WHETHER DACHZHAO (1888-1927), one of osnovatelej KP China. It is executed by militarist authorities.
  • WHETHER (Leigh) Dzhennifer Dzhejson (r. 1958), the American film actress. Originality of Lie creates contrast of brittle appearance and an internal force and temperament. It was taken out in films: " the Last output to Brooklyn " U.Edelja (1989), " Lone white woman " B.Shredera (1992), "I.O.Hadsakera" br. Cohen (1994), etc.
  • WHETHER IK (1682-1764), the Korean scientist, the representative of flow sirhakpha. Acted with criticism of philosophy neokonfutsianstva, buddistskoj and daosskoj mysticism. Was the adherent of improvement of a rule of peasantry.
  • WHETHER KUAN JU (r. 1923), the prime minister of Singapore in 1959-90.
  • WHETHER KEZHAN (r. 1907), the Chinese painter, the master gohua. Lyrical landscapes and genre compositions differ acute perception of the world, dynamism of a manner.
  • WHETHER (Lee) Nataniel (1653-92), the English playwright. Tragedies on antique scenes " Queens - competitors, or Mors Alexander the Great " (1677), "Edip" (in the co-authorship with Dzh. Dryden), etc.
  • WHETHER the PAN (r. 1928), prime-minister of the Council of state of China April 1988 (acting prime-minister November 1987). With 1985 in guiding KP of China. In November 1983-87 deputy of prime-minister of the Council of state of China.
  • WHETHER (Lee) Robert Edward (1807-70), the American general. In the Civil war in the USA the commander-in-chief army juzhan. Has gained a number of victories, but has been battered at Gettysburg (1863), and in 1865 capitulated.
  • WHETHER (Lee) Robert Edward (1807-70), the American general. In the Civil war in the USA the commander-in-chief army juzhan. Has gained a number of victories, but has been battered at Gettysburg (1863), and in 1865 capitulated.
  • WHETHER SONGE (1335-1408), the Korean governor with 1392, the founder of a dynasty of Lie. Has conducted reforms, directed on strengthening of a central authority.
  • WHETHER (Lie) Sofus (1842-99), the Norwegian mathematician, foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1896). Has created the theory of continuous groups important for many sections of mathematics and its appendices.
  • WHETHER (Lee) Spajk (r. 1956), the American film director and the actor. A key figure of the afro-American crop of 1990th. Has delivered films: " the Blues of the best life " (1990), " the Fever in jungle " (1991), " Malkolm Iks " (1992; about the charismatic black Muslim leader), " the Girl number 6 " (1995), etc.
  • WHETHER SUNSIN (1545-98), the Korean military figure, the national hero. In time Imdinskoj of war 1592-98 under his command the Japanese fleet is routed. Has perished in fight.
  • WHETHER SYGUAN (Lie Chzhunkuj) (1889-1971), the Chinese geologist, foreign member AN the USSR (1958). Transactionses on a stratigraphy and a tectonics of China.
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