Thursday, May 10, 2007

  • WHETHER SYNGI (r. 1905), chemists - organics (KNDR), foreign member AN the USSR (1966). The main transactionses on synfils. In 1939 has received a fiber vinalon.
  • WHETHER SYNMAN (1875-1965), president Juzh. Korea in 1948-60. has been compelled to leave in demission as a result of popular uprising.
  • WHETHER SYSJUN (651-716), the Chinese painter. The founder of a "actuarial" landscape of the season of Tannins. Majestic mountainous landscapes, it is frequent with architectonic motives, with legible lines, the composite and multiplane compositions.
  • WHETHER SJUCHEN (1823-64), one of chiefs Tajpinskogo of revolt 1850-64 in China. The peasant - poor man. Has headed some victorious marchings tajpinskoj armies. It is taken in a film by a governmental troops, it is executed.
  • WHETHER TANNINS (1050 - ok. 1130), the Chinese painter. Modest lyrical village landscapes with scenes of a national household activities, historical and household patterns.
  • WHETHER Trjugve Halvdan (1896-1968), the secretary general of the United Nations in 1946-53. One of leaders of the Norwegian working consignment. Repeatedly entered in the Norwegian government.
  • WHETHER THYONG KIET (1019-1105), the Vietnamese commander. Supervised over marchings in 1069 and 1104 against Tjampy and in 1075-77 against sunskogo China; has joined to the Vietnamese state Dajvjet the considerable terrains in the south and a north.
  • WHETHER ÒßÍÜ-BÀÍ (a whale. The celestial governor of Lie), in the Chinese Buddhist mythology the sentinel of a north (descends from indian Vajshravany). It was figured with a pagoda in arms.
  • WHETHER HVAN, Thvege (1501-70), the Korean philosopher, a follower neokonfutsianskogo doctrines CHzhu Si from which items he criticized the Buddhism and views of adherents Van JAnmina.
  • WHETHER HUNCHZHAN (1823-1901), the Chinese dignitary. The beginnings to pit by depressing Tajpinskogo of revolt. 1850-64. With 1870 viceroy of a metropolitan province, supervised over foreign policy of government.
  • WHETHER TSZUNDAO, the Chinese physics - theorist, see. Lie.
  • WHETHER TSZYCHEN (1606-45), the leader of Country war 1628-45 in China. Has perished in fight.
  • WHETHER TSINCHZHAO (1084-1151?), the Chinese poetess. Landscape and anakreonticheskie melodic verses (tsy), verses on irruption of nomads; the tract " Reasoning about pesennyh verses ".
  • WHETHER CHZHU, in the Chinese mythology the sentinel of a wonderful tree fuchanshu, growing to Kuenlun Shan.
  • WHETHER SHIMIN (599-649), the Chinese emperor (with 627). At a nem mandatory graduation examinations for selection on the position of officers are entered.
  • WHETHER YUAN (566-635), the Chinese emperor (618-626); the founder of a dynasty of Tannins. Before the large feudal lord, the viceroy in Taiyuan. It is discharged of an authority by the son of Lie Shiminem.
  • WHETHER JUnas (1833-1908), the Norwegian writer. Realistic social - critical novels: " For life convicted ", "Farm Gilje" (both 1883), " Majsa Jons " (1888), etc.
  • WHETHER JAN (Lee Yuan) (Yuan TSzeli) (r. 1936), American fizikohimik. Was born on Taiwan. Transactionses on mechanisms of elementary certificates of chemical transfomations. The Nobel Prize. (1986, together with Dzh. Polani and D.Hershbahom).
  • LIA FAL, in irish mythology a magic stone, under the legend were in Container - a royal residence of governors of Ireland. Stone Lia Fal released cry under that person who could correct in country.
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