Friday, June 15, 2007

  • DEPARTMENT of ESTABLISHMENTS of the EMPRESS of MARY, steering, vedavshee in Russia some women teaching and educational establishments (institutes, t. n. Mariinsky grammar schools and schools), asylums. Led the beginning from founded in 1796 Educational societies of the noble maidens, headed by empress Maria Fedorovnoj (from here the title with 1854).
  • The PAIL, Russian dometricheskaja a volume measure of liquids, equal 12,3 l.
  • VEDROV Vsevolod Simonovich (1902-83), the scientist in range of the theory of motion of flight vehicles, their dynamics{changes} and automatic regulation. Dr.Sci.Tech. (1944), worked in a TsAGI, then in Letno-exploratory. Participat in tests and operational development of the first domestic turbojets.
  • VEDUTA (ital. veduta), in art 18 - nach. 19 centuries - a urban landscape (it is routine topograficheski precise).
  • VEDY (sanskr. veda, characters. - knowledge), monuments of the old indian literature (kon. 2-nd - nach. 1-st thousand up to n. e.) on old indian (vedijskom) tongue. Vedy, or vedicheskuju the literature, collections of hymns and oblational formulas (Rigveda, Samaveda, JAdzhurveda, Atharvaveda) compound{make}, theological tracts (brahmany and upanishady). Vedy - a source of cramps on a socio economic and cultural history of the most ancient India.
  • WITCH, on national poverjam woman - koldunja. Submissions about witches as about women who have entered into alliance with evil spirit, have called their persuits, t. n. "Witch-hunt".
  • FAN, small manual, routinely collapsible fan, in an organized kind{view} shaped a half-disk, from a paper, a tissue, a bone, a tree, feathers, a lace (quite often dressed paintings, an inlaying, a through thread). The collapsible fan which for the first time has appeared in Japan and China, was compounded{made} of the separate plates fastened for the grounding by a pin, and in a top - by a fine texture, a paper or the parchment paper, found arched. This phylum of a fan has appeared then in Zap. To Europe, and then, in 18 century, in Russia. It has been borrowed not only the form of the fan quite often made of precious materials, but also his{its} special "tongue" on which and gentlemen of 18 century carried on of lady the peculiar dialogue change{vary} his{its} rule{situation;position}, unclosing or occluding in part, etc.
  • VEEROKRYLYE, order of hexapods, close to bugs. Length of 2-2,5 mm. For samtsov rear fenders can develop a fan. Ok. 300 kinds{views}, are distributed widely. Samki - endoparasites of bees, wasps, bugs, etc.
  • VEEROUSYE, a set of bugs. Length of 3-6 mm. Ok. 400 kinds{views}, are distributed widely. Tendrils for samtsov veerovidnye or grebnevidnye. Larvas veerousov - parasites of larvas of wasps, bees, cockroaches.
  • VEERT (Vert) (Weerth) George (1822-56), the first german poet. The member of Soyuz of communists, the employee of " the New Rhine newspaper ". Romantic and revolutionary lyrics (cycles " Lancashire songs ", 1844-45; " Songs podmasterja ", 1845-46), social - critical prose (the novel " Life and adventures of well-known knight Shnapganskogo ", 1849).
  • VEZHA (dr .-ðóñ.), a tent, a tilt cart, a tower.
  • VEZHINOV Paul (an ice-film. A name and fam. Nikola Gugov) (1914-83), the Bulgarian writer. Stories and stories about antihitlerite extirpation of Bulgarian people (the collection " the Second company ", 1949); in products{creations} about a modernity (stories " the Odor of an almond ", 1966, "Barrier", 1977, "Measurements", 1979), novels " at Night on white horses " (1975), "Balance" (1982) - depth of the psychologic analysis.
  • VEZHINSKY (Wierzynski) Kazimezh (1884-1969), the Polish poet and the prose writer. One of team members "Skamandr". With 1939 in emigration, has deceased in the London. Collections of lyrics " Spring and wine " (1919), " Tragical freedom " (1936), "Ground - she-wolf" (1941), " the Black polonaise " (1968). The book of sketches " Washing personal America " (1966).
  • VEZALY (Vesalius) Andreas (1514-64), the scientist, the founder of anatomy. Was born in Brussels. Activity Vezalija passed in many european countries. One of first has become to study a human body by dissections. Basically transactionses " About a structure of a human body " (kn. 1-7, 1543) has given the scientific description of a structure of all organs and systems, has indicated many errors of the precursors, including. Galena. It was pursued{chased;run} by church. Has perished at wreck.
  • The GO-ANYWHERE VEHICLE, terraneous trackless vehicle of high flotation ability off-road, an inundated land, a snow virgin soil.
  • VEZENBERG, the official title of. Rakvere in Estonia up to 1917.
  • WESER (Weser), the river in Germany, runs in Boreal m. It will be derivated by confluence Verra and Fulda. Length of 440 kms (from a headstream r. Verra 724 kms), the area of basin of 46 thousand êì2. Average discharge of water 312 m3 / with. It is navigable from Kassel (on r. Fulda), for courts of admiralty - from Bremen; it is paired by channels to Elba and Ems. Seaport - Bremerhaven.
  • VESICLE (an armour. vesicula - an alveole), an element of a dermal crop - polusharovidnyj an alveole with diaphanous or rather turbid contents.
  • VEZIR (vizir) (the arab.), the maximum dignitary and the chief of departments in many states Short-range and Compare. The orient, primarily in Middle Ages and new time.
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