Friday, June 15, 2007

  • VEBERN (Webern) Anton a background (1883-1945), the Austrian composer, the conductor. The representative of new austrian school. Musical - aesthetic views have developed under influence of naturalistic philosophy of I.V.Gete and Christian ethics. Limiting{marginal} laconism of an indicative means invokes{produces} sensation of irreality of raised modes{images}. Cantatas, the concordance (1923), tool{instrument} bands, songs, etc.
  • WEBER the APPARATUS, system it is mobile the jointed bonelets bridging a swim bladder with an internal ear for some bony fishes. Participates in a sound perception, transmits changes of volume of a swim bladder (at vertical displacements of a fish) to an internal ear. It is called named E.G.Vebera.
  • VEBI-SHEBELI, the river in Ethiopia and Somalia. 2490 kms. It is used for an irrigation, it is lost in bogs in 40 kms from a shore Indian ok. Average discharge of water ok. 320 m3 / with. On coasts Vebi-SHebeli gallery forests are extended.
  • VEBLEN (Veblen) Torstejn (1857-1929), the American economist and the sociologist. The founder institutsionalizma in western political economy. The adherent of a social darvinism. A special role in social development retracted technical intelligency. Ideas Veblena become the basis{fundamentals} of different theories of a technocracy.
  • VEBSTER (Uebster) (Webster) CHarlz Kingsli (1886-1961), the English historian. In 1950-54 president of the British academy. The main{basic} transactionses on a history of the English foreign policy.
  • VEBSTERA DICTIONARYS, see. Uebstera dictionarys.
  • VEVE, (Vevey), a climatic health resort in Switzerland, on boreal coast Geneva an eskar., at a lockin r. Vevez, to a southeast from Lausanne. Architectonic monuments of 15-18 centuries. Tourism. Festivals of classical music.
  • VEVERITSA, the most small-sized, indivisible monetary unit in Other. Russia, equal 1/2 or 1/3 are cut.
  • VEVIS (Vievis) (up to 1917 official title to Eve), city (with 1950) in Lithuania. A depot. 5,6 thousand inhabitants (1990). Manufacture of a building materials, mixed foods; the alimentary enterprises.
  • VEGA (? Liras), an aster of null stellar magnitude, one of the brightest asters of Boreal hemisphere. Vega, Deneb (? A swan) and Altair (? Orel) are well visible in the summer root and will derivate t. n. A major summer triangle.
  • "VEGA" (in abbreviated form from the title of the design " Venus - comet Galleja "), the title of the Soviet interplanetary automatic stations ("Âåãà-1" and "Âåãà-2"), used in 1984-86 for study of a planet Venus and Galleja comets. Both stations are analogous on a design and destination. Experts participated in development and implementation of the design " Venus - comet Galleja " of some european countries.
  • "VEGA" ("Vega"), a steam-sailing seal-catching schooner, on which arctic expedition N. A.E.Nordenshelda in 1878-79 for the first time has passed North-east pass along boreal shore of Europe and Asia from Atlantic ok. In Quiet and, having bent Eurasia, has returned to Sweden (with one wintering). It is constructed in 1873; displacement 360 t.
  • VEGA (Vega) Garsilaso de ac (1503-36), the spanish poet. The reformer of a verse on samples of italian Revitalization, the writer of sonnets, elegy and the eclogues published posthumously (1543).
  • VEGA (Vega) George a background (1756-1802), the Austrian mathematician. Has constituted the seven-element "Table of logarithmses" (1783) multiply reissued.
  • VEGA KARPO (Vega Carpio) (Lope de Vega) Lope Feliks de (1562-1635), the spanish playwright. The large representative of Revitalization. The writer over 2000 plays (500 from which are issued), novels, verses, including - a historical drama " Great duke Moscow " (1617), social dramas " Blood innocent " (1623) and " the Aster of Seville " (1623), a national - heroic drama " Salamejsky alkald " (it is written up to 1610) and " Fuente Ovehuna " (1619), comedies about love "Dog in the manger" (1618), "Dancing-master" (1593).
  • VEGENER (Wegener) Alfred Lotar (1880-1930), german a geophysics. The participant (1906-08, 1912-13) and the chief (1929-30) expeditions to Greenland. The writer (1912) theories of drift of mainlands - the first hypothesis mobilizma.
  • VEGENER Paul (1874-1948), the german actor of theatre and kino. Worked at German theatre with producer M.Rejnhardtom. One of creators of german kino. It was taken out in films: "Golem", " Alive Buddhas ", " the Prague student ", etc.
  • VEGETARIANISM (from sr .-eyelid.s of an armour. vegetabilis - vegetative), a feed system extremely vegetative or a dairy - plant food. The vegetarian mode can be nominated temporarily with the medical or prophylactic purpose.
  • VEGETATIVE NERVOUS SYSTEM (from an armour. vegeto - I provoke, I resuscitate), a part of nervous system of vertebrates and the person, regulating activity of an internals and systems - a blood circulation, respiration, digestion, secretion, reproduction, etc., a metabolism and the functional condition (an excitability, functionability, etc.) tissues of an organism. It is divided on sympathetic and parasimpaticheskuju nervous system.
  • VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION, education of a new metazoon from a part parent by a budding, division (for the lowest animal and plants), and also through rootstocks, it is proliferous, bulbs, klubnej, etc. (for higher plants). It is used in a fruit growing, a vegetable raising, etc. branches of an agriculture. Sometimes a vegetative reproduction fall into to an asexual reproduction.
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