Friday, June 15, 2007

  • VVEDENSKY Alexander Ivanovich (1888-1946), the ideologist and metropolitan Russian obnovlencheskoj churches.
  • VVEDENSKY Alexander Ivanovich (1856-1925), the Russian philosopher, the largest representative Russian neokantianstva. The chairman of the St.-Petersburg philosophical society (1897-1917). Transactionses on psychology and logic.
  • VVEDENSKY Boris Alekseevich (1893-1969), Russian radio physicses, academician AN the USSR (1943), the Hero Socialist Transactionses (1963). Basic transactionses on a wave propagation of a VHF of a range. Managing editor BSE (1951-69). The state premium of the USSR (1952).
  • VVEDENSKY Irinarh Ivanovich (1813-55), the Russian public figure. With 1842 taught the Russian literature in the Petersburg military educational institutions. The organizer a mug raznochinnoj youth (Vvedensky a circle). C.Dickens translator, etc. the English writers.
  • VVEDENSKY Nikolay Evgenjevich (1852-1922), the Russian physiologist, the founder of scientific school, corresponding member Petersburg AN (1908). Probeed regularities of reacting of tissues on different stimuluses, has advanced the doctrine about an optimum and a pessimum of a stimulus, has discovered the law of relative functional lability of tissues. Has advanced submission about a parabiosis and unity of a nature of exaltation and braking operation.
  • VVEDENSKY the CIRCLE, a literary - political circle raznochinnoj youth in Saint Petersburg kon. 40 - nach. 50th of 19 century, was going in I.I.Vvedensky dwelling (up to 20 person, including. N.G.Chernyshevsky, G.E.Blagosvetlov, etc.). Conceptually it is close petrashevtsam.
  • PARENTHESES, the words syntactically irrelevant with the proposal and expressing attitude{relation} speaking to reported ("fortunately", "unfortunately"), a general assessment{evaluation} reported (the indicating on a message source ("in my opinion", " on common opinion ") or on attitude{relation} between parts of the report ("by the way" "is "possible", "certainly"), "at last").
  • LEADING NOTE, in music - a note, otstojashchy for a sec up or downwards from I stages{steps} lada and gravitating to her. Especially intensive gravitation the lower leading note, otstojashchy from I stages{steps} on a demitint has; he has dominantovuju function (see. A dominance).
  • VGIK, see. Cinematographies institute.
  • VDOVENKO Victor Mihajlovich (1907-78), the Russian radiochemist, corresponding member AN the USSR (1958). Transactionses on radioelements and their connections.
  • SCABIOUSES, a subfamily of birds of a set tkachikovyh. 9 kinds{views}, in savannahs of Africa. The paradise scabious (overall length ok is most known. 40 sm, a tail ok. 30 sm).
  • VEBB (Webb) Sydney (1859-1947) and Beatrisa (1858-1943), the English economists, historians of working-class movement, ideologists of a trade-unionism and t. n. Fabian socialism, the spouse. Sydney - one of organizers and the chief of " the Fabian society ". Entered{included} in labour governments (1924, 1929-31).
  • WEBER, SI unit of a magnetic flux and flux linkage. The Wb is meant, called in honour of V.Vebera. 1 Âá=1 Òë.ì2=108 a maxwell.
  • WEBER, german scientists, brothers: 1) Ernest Genrih (1795-1878), the anatomist and the physiologist, foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1869). One of founders of experimental psychology. Probes of sensory physiology (ear, sight, dermal sensations) have underlain the law of Weber - Fehnera. Together with brother Edward has found slowdowning influence of a vagus nerve on heart. 2) Wilhelm Edward (1804-91), physics, foreign corresponding member Petersburg AN (1853). Transactionses on an electricity and magnetism; has developed together with K.F.Gaussom an absolute system of units electrical and magnetic units. His{its} name calls unit of a magnetic flux. 3) Edward (1806-71), the physiologist. Has placed{installed}, that the myodynamia depends on the area of its{her} lateral section; has defined{determined} rate of propagation of pulse wave.
  • WEBER (Weber) Alfred (1868-1958), the german economist and the sociologist. Brother M.Vebera. Has worked out a concept sociologies of a history and crop on which the course of history is determined by process of the spiritual creativity which is carried out by intellectual{intelligent} elite.
  • WEBER Joseph (1908-85), german political and the public figure. Former personnel military. Opposed militarism, revanchism and neo-nazism, dispositions of nuclear missiles in terrain of Europe. The international Lenin premium (1985).
  • WEBER Charles Maria a background (1786-1826), the german composer and the conductor, the musical critic. The founder of german romantic opera. 10 operas (" Free scapes ", 1821; "Evrianta", 1823; the Oberon ", 1826), masterly concert plays for a piano (" the Invitation to dance ", 1819; "Kontsertshtjuk" for a piano with an orchestra, 1821), etc.
  • WEBER Maks (1864-1920), the german sociologist, the historian, the economist and the lawyer. Brother A.Vebera. In the basis{fundamentals} of a methodology of Weber resting on neokantianskuju epistemology, differentiation of trial knowledge and values; the concept of "comprehension" on which social action speaks through interpretation of personal motives; the theory of theoretical phylums - the abstract and arbitrary imaginary designs of historical process. Opposed marxism. In an origin of a Western-European capitalism retracted a main role protestantizmu. The main{basic} compositions: " Agrarian ancient history ", " Protestant ethics and spirit of a capitalism ", " the Economy and a society ".
  • FLUXMETER (flux meter), the device for definition of changes of a magnetic flux on the electromotive force induced in a sensing coil; it is calibrated in weber.
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