Friday, June 8, 2007

  • VAMPU SCHOOL, see. Huanpu school.
  • " VAMPUKA... ", an opera - parody ridiculing conditionalities and decayed traditions in opera performances. Music of the conductor and composer V.G.Erenberga on the text of the play " Vampuka, princess African " M.N.Volkonsky. It is put in Saint Petersburg in 1909. The title "vampuka" is routinely used as notation of all synthetic, stilted in theatrical performances.
  • VAMPUM (from indejsk. wampumpeag - filaments with the shells strung on them), a means of reminder and messaging for American Indian nations the Sowing. America. The content of the report expressed colour, quantity and interposition of shells.
  • VAN, city on the orient Turkey, on eastern coast an eskar. Van, an administrative centre ilja Van. 153 thousand inhabitants (1990). Flour-milling, a cement industry. Has arisen in 1-st millenary up to n. e. As drevnearmjansky city, till 6 century up to n. e. - Tushpa which was capital of the state Urartu. In 11 century it is seized by Byzantium, in 17 century - Turks.
  • VAN (Van), drainless brine lake on the orient Turkey. 1720 m are located on the Armenian mountains at the altitude. Ok. 3,7 thousand êì2, depth up to 145 m. For coasts of Van - burning mountains Sjuphan and Nemrut. Fishery, salt production, navigation (a train ferry on a line Ankara - Tabriz).
  • VAN, title of governors of the states and principalities in China and Korea in antiquities and Middle Ages.
  • VAN PROPADIENE (Van Allen) James Alfred (r. 1914), American astrophysicses. In the capacity of the main explorer of the space program which are carried out on an artificial satellite of the Earth "Explorer - 1", has found (1958) charged particles of high energy which are generatrix radiation belts around of the Earth (" belts Van Allen ").
  • VAN ANSHI (1021-86), the Chinese reformer; in 1070-74 and 1075-76 first minister. Has entered system of state loans to peasants, has substituted hired army the army completed by a way rekrutskogo of a panel, attempted to adjust{regulate} market prices. The large part of reforms has been cancelled in 1085.
  • VAN BASTEN (Van Basten) Marko (r. 1965), the Netherlands football player. The champion of Europe 1988. The owner of the Cup of European champions (1989, 1990) in structure of a command "Milan" (Italy), the owner of the Cup of Cups (1987) in structure of a command "Ajax" (Netherlands). It adjudicated by the best football player of Europe (1988, 1990, 1992)
  • VAN is BORED (Va Buren) Martin (1782-1862), 8-th president the USA (1837-41), from Democratic party. In 1829 state secretary, in 1833-37 vice-president.
  • VAN VEJ (699 or 701-759 or 761), the Chinese painter and the poet. The founder of the Chinese monochrome landscape painting using tone capabilities of carcass. In lyrical landscapes created raised generalized modes{images} of a nature. In verses marked hardly perceptible paints and shades of a nature. Social motives has expressed in dreams of the theoretical state.
  • VAN GOVEJ (1877-1927), the Chinese historian and the philologist. Transactionses on drevnekitajskoj epigrafike, etc.
  • VAN GOG (van Gogh) Vinsent (1853-90), the Netherlands painter, the representative of postimpressionism. Passion emotionality, ostrodramaticheskoe the perception of life, the social protest, inherent{intrinsic} in art Van Gog, expressed him{it} in 1-st floor. 80th in products{creations}, mellow in a gloomy gamma, proniknutyh condoling for people of transactionses; with 1888 created tragical modes{images} in painful - case-hardened, extreme ekspressivnoj to a manner constructed on contrasts of colour, a choppy rhythm, on loose dynamics{changes} of pastose Unguentum (" Night cafe ", 1888; " the Landscape in Overe after a rain ", 1890).
  • VAN RUN (877-943), the first governor (van) in 918-943 Korean states to the Bark.
  • VAN DONGEN (van Dongen) Ditty bags (1877-1968), the French artist. By origin the Dutch. Bordering on to fovizmu, in 1900th has become famous for temperamental, inking cloths with the plotting of dancers, demimondaines, women portraits.
  • VAN LIN GUAN (a whale. The wonderful officer Van), the Chinese godhood - a saver of an orifice. His{its} statues put for an orifice in a temple, in myths he guards palace JUj-di.
  • VAN MAN (45 up to n. e. - 23 n. e.), emperor of China with 9 n. e. (as a result of palace tumble). Attempted to conduct reforms (liquidation of a private property on ground, the interdiction of sale and purchase of slaves, etc.).
  • VAN of MINES (CHen SHaojuj) (1904-74), the Chinese statesman, the member of the Political bureau of a Central Committee and the secretary of Central Committee KP of China (handheld computer) in 1931-45. In 1931 acted as the secretary general of a Central Committee of a handheld computer.
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