Friday, June 15, 2007

  • VEZIROV Nadzhaf-bek Fatali-bek ogly (1854-1926), the Azerbaijan playwright. Plays about life and tempers of the Azerbaijan society kon. 19 - nach. 20 centuries. The play " the Beginning of new eyelid " (1924) about establishment of the Soviet authority in Azerbaijan.
  • VESUVIANITE (idokraz), a mineral of a class of nesosilicates, Ca10Al4 (Mg, Fe) 2 (OH, F) 4 [SiO4] 5 [Si2O7] 2. Yellowish-green, dark-brown prismatic crystals and acinose masses. Hardness 6,5-7,0; firmness ok. 3,4 g / sm3. Meets in skarnah. Diaphanous versions - ornamental stones.
  • VESUVIUS (Vesuvio), an active volcano in the south of Italy, bliz Naples (unique in continental Europe). An altitude of 1277 m. Will derivate 3 cones as though inserted each other (outside - Monte-Somme, it hardly eroded). At eruptions will reject a lot of ash. Outputs of gases and fallow. During eruption in 79 cities Pompeii and Herculaneum (afterwards over 50 eruptions, the last eruption in 1957-59) have perished. Up to an altitude of 800 m - gardens, vineyards, pine groves. Vulkanologicheskaja an observatory.
  • VEJGAN (Weygand) Maxim (1867-1965), the French army general. In 1-¯ world war, with 1918, the chief of headquarters of supreme commander in chief. In 2-¯ world war, since May 1940, the commander-in-chief the French armed forces. One of parties in fault of surrender of France. In July - September 1940 minister for the national defence of government of Vichy.
  • VEJGELA, a stem of bushes of a set of a honeysuckle family. Ok. 15 kinds{views}, in Vost. Asia; including 3 views on the Far East. Are decorative.
  • VEJGEL (Vajgel) (Weigel) Elena (1900-1971), a german actress. Wi B.Brecht. Together with nymas the organizer of theatre " Berliner band " where has acted the best role - Mummy Spirit in Brecht play. The founder and the member of german Academy of arts (GDR).
  • VEJDE Adam Adamovich (1667-1720), the Russian general from infanterii. The participant of the Azov marchings 1695 and 1696, Boreal war 1700-21, Prutskogo a marching 1711. In 1698 has constituted "Military regulations" (" Charter Vejde ") which a little bit{some} flying ministered a guiding in Russian army. With 1717 2-nd president of Military board.
  • VEJDEMEJER (Weydemeyer) Joseph (1818-1866), the german revolutionary, friend K.Marksa and F.Engelsa. The member of Soyuz of communists, one of organizers of the working unions and democratic societies in Westphalia. During the Civil war in the USA 1861-65 colonel of army of northerners.
  • VEJDENREJH (Weidenreich) Frants (1873-1948), the german anthropologist. The main{basic} transactionses on problems of anthropogenesis and on a paleoanthropology. The writer of the theory of polycentrism.
  • VEJDLE Vladimir Vasiljevich (1895-1979), the Russian critic, the historian of art, the publicist, the culturologist. Taught a history of art in Petrograd, with 1924 in emigration in Paris where taught up to 1952 in founded S.N.Bulgakovym Orthodox Doctrinal institute. Numerous essays on a history of the Russian and european literature and art crop, about destinies of Christian art, a place of Russia in a spiritual history of Europe.
  • VEJDT Ê., see Fejdt To.
  • WEIERSTRASS (Weierstrass) Charles Teodor Wilhelm (1815-97), german mathematician, foreign corresponding member (1864) and the foreign honorary member (1895) Petersburg AN. Transactionses on a calculus, function theories, to a calculus of variations, differentiated geometry and a linear algebra. Has developed system of the logic substantiation of a calculus.
  • VEJZE (Weise) Christian (1642-1708), the german writer and the teacher - educator. The opponent of aristocratic Baroque. The writer of the nravoopisatelno-satirical novel " Three greatest in light of the fool " (1672), dramas for " school theatre " "Mazanjello" (1682), etc.
  • VEJI (Veji), city 1-st floor. 1-st thousand up to n. e. - nach. 4 century up to n. e., northward from Rome. Residues of an acropolis, it is dry-rot, temples, a tomb, etc.
  • VEJL (Weyl) Hermann (1885-1955), german mathematician; with 1933 in the USA. Transactionses on a function theory, number theories, group theories and to its{her} applications to physics.
  • VEJL (Vail) (Weill) Kurt (1900-50), the german composer. Cooperated to playwrights G.Kajzerom, B.Brecht. Scenic products{creations}: " Three-cheap opera " (1928), " Elevation and fall of city of the Mahagony " (1930), etc. In 1935 has emigrated in the USA where wrote music for broadway theatres, including musicals. Has created new phylum of a burning satirical drama with music.
  • VEJL (Weil) Simon (1909-43), the French social and religious philosopher, mistik. After german occupation of Paris in 1940 ran to Marseilles, then in the USA and the Great Britain, participat on the move Resistance. Compositions - " Burden and grace ", " Requirement for rooting ", " Expectation of the God ".
  • VEJMARN Boris Vladimirovich (1909-90), the Russian historian of art, the art critic, the full member AH the USSR (1973). Transactionses on art of countries of the Orient.
  • The WEIMAR REPUBLIC, the German state in 1919-33 which according to the constitution of Germany adopted on July, 31 1919 in Weimar by National assembly (it is selected in January 1919), was konstituirovano in the form of democratic parliamentary federative republic: the chief of state - the elective president, rejhstag, izbiravshijsja a universal suffrage, had more large powers, than in kajzerovskoj Germany, the president nominated rejhskantslera (head of government). In 1919-33 the cabinet council was replaced 21 times, 8 times was re-elected rejhstag (including 4 times in 1930-33). In conditions of an exacerbation of the left-handed and dextral political radicalism, and also growth of the separatism and slackening of centralism (Bavaria, etc.) In the Weimar republic in 1919-23 the runaway inflation developed, there was an acute economic crisis. Despite of relative stabilization of economy in 1924-28 with the help of foreign loans and credits (in 1926 Germany has entered League of the nations), in country state and public crisis which was aggravated on a background of a world economic crisis 1929-33 built up. About 1929 economic life in the Weimar republic it has been paralysed, the figure of unemployed has constituted over 6 million person. At elections in rejhstag in July 1932 Natsional-sotsialistskaja the consignment has received 230 deputy places from 601 (at elections in November 1932 - 196 of 584). On January, 30 1933 rejhskantslerom has become the chapter of this consignment of A.Gitler that marked itself an end of the Weimar republic.
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