Monday, June 18, 2007

  • VISUALIZATION, (from an armour. visualis - visual), methods of transformation{conversion} of a radiation field invisible to a human eye (ultrared, ultra-violet, x-ray, ultrasonic, etc.) and visible (black-and-white or colour) the plotting of raying object. There are some methods of visualization: photographic (see. The electrooptical transducer), methods of a thermovision, transformation{conversion} of an invisible radiation of the laser in visible, etc. Visualization is widely used in medicine, a non-destructive testing, technique (see. Introscopy, the Tomography).
  • VISUAL STELLAR MAGNITUDE (mn), the stellar magnitude defined by a straight vision and adequate{answering} spectral response of a human eye (a maximum of sensitivity falls at a wavelength 0,55 microns).
  • The VISUAL POETRY, the kind{view} of art uniting verbal and visual creativity - poems, whose lines will derivate the decorative or vested emblematicheskim sense of a figure and marks. Among characteristic examples - art of a poetic calligraphy (in particular in Muslim, and also) where it is indiscernible the pattern and sense are connected Far East crops; visual poetry of epoch manjerizma and Baroque. Such, quite often expressly "abstruse" verbal - visual experiences, representatives of futurism and dadaizma, renovating the modern polygraphic design had a fancy also; the visual poetry compounds{makes} the special tendency and in a postmodernism.
  • VISUAL (from an armour. visualis - visual), visible. Manual observations - made to the naked eye or with the help of an optical device (napr., a telescope).
  • VIIPURI, the Finnish title of city Vyborg in 1918-1940.
  • VY, in vostochnoslavjanskoj mythologies the spirit bearing mors. Having huge eyes with heavy eyelids, Vy slays the view.
  • VIJDUMJAE, reservation on about. Saaremaa in Estonia. It is based in 1957. The area over 1 thousand ga. Pine forests with an impurity{additive} of an oak. Endemic and infrequent plants: ezelsky a rattlepot, a mountain ash an aria, etc.
  • VIJERBAN (Villeurbanne), city, suburb of Lyons in France. 115 thousand inhabitants (1990). An autostructure, silk, a chemical industry. " Theatre de ac the Screen ".
  • VILLON (Villon) Francois (1431 or 1432 - after 1463), the French poet. In poems " the Small will " (1456), " the Major will " (1462), saturated autobiographical hints, have found reflectance of the scene from life of the Parisian bottoms; motives of mors combine{blend} with impudent glorifying earth radostej, ironical denial of asceticism and hypocrisy.
  • VIJRA (Viira) August (1853-1919), the Estonian producer. In 1878-1903 headed theatre " Âàíåìóéíå " (Tartu).
  • VIJRALT (Viiralt) Edward (1898-1954), the Estonian schedule{chart}. In tense - drama grotesque leafs uncovered the ugly parties of life of city ("Cabaret", 1931). In modes{images} of women and children national character (" the Estonian girl ", 1942) is strongly pronounced.
  • VETCHES (Vick), the german and Swedish title drevneestonskoj grounds Ljaanemaa.
  • VETCH, stem of perennial and annotinous herbaceous plants of a set of pod-bearing plants; a feed crop. Ok. 150 kinds{views}, in moderate belts of Boreal and Austral hemisphere. In crop of 10 kinds{views} - a fodder grasses. Cultivate a vetch sowing campaign and a vetch shaggy (it is routine in a mix with ovsom and barley) - 200-250 ts with 1 ga a green material, 20 and more ts with 1 ga grains more often.
  • VIKALLOJ, the magnetically hard alloy keeping 52-54 % Co, up to 14 % V, remaining Fe. It is used primarily for manufacturing the permanent magnets used in probing devices, electrical micromotors, etc.
  • VIKARIAT (from an armour. vicarius - alternating), the phenomena at which close kinds{views} of plants or animal (call as a representative species) take different ranges of distribution{propagation} (geographycal vikariat) or dwell{live} in one terrain, but in miscellaneous ecological conditions (ecological vikariat). Napr., in sand deserts dwells{lives} mohnonogy a jerboa, and in the same places, but in argillaceous deserts - small (ecological vikariat).
  • CURATE (from an armour. vicarius - the deputy, the viceroy), in an orthodox church the deputy of diocesan, diocesan without archdiocese. In Protestant church - the mate of the priest.
  • VIKENTY LERINSKY (Vincentius Lirinensis) (mind{wit}. ok. 450), the Christian ecclesiastical writer, the outlet box on island Lerin. In the composition " the First admonition, or the tract in protection ancient and ecumenical kafolicheskoj belief against all godless heretical innovations " was formulated with criterion of a truth of the church legend: " in what all believed everywhere, always, ". Memory{remembrance} in the Latin church on May, 24.
  • "VIKING" (Viking), the American automatic orbitalno-landing station for probes of Mars. Will consist of the orbital unit effecting probes from an areocentric orbit (an orbit around of Mars), and the landing unit committing mild planting to a surface of Mars. In 1975 2 stations " Vikings - 1 " è "Viking - 2" which landing units have reached{achieved} Mars in 1976 are started and for the first time have transmitted the phototelevision plotting of his{its} surface.
  • VIKINGS (dr .-ñêàíä.), Scandinavians - participants marine trading - grabitelnyh and aggressive marchings in kon. 8 - it is grey. 11 centuries in countries of Europe. In Russia them called as variags, and Zap. To Europe - Normen. In 9 century have trapped North-east England, in 10 century - the Sowing. France (Normandy). Have reached{achieved} the Sowing. America.
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