VNERABOCHEE TIME, the time which has been not occupied in transactionses in a social production. Actuates: the spare time expended for spiritual development, leisure time activities, entertainments, playing sports, and the time spent for a road on activity (there and back), restoration of forces and satisfaction of physiological requirements (dream, meal), management of a domestic and personal part-time farm, etc.OFF-SYSTEM UNITS, units of physical quantities which are not entering in one systems of units. Examples: a horse - power, millimeter of mercury, etc.OUT-OF-SCHOOL ESTABLISHMENTS, state and public institutions on out-of-school activity with children and adolescents - the nursery centres (out-of-school, educational activity, aesthetic education, sports, etc.); nursery parks and small towns; detsko-youthful sporting schools, stations of juvenile mechanics, stations of juvenile naturalists; the camp, organizing travel for children; nursery clubs, nursery libraries, nursery theatres, etc.EXTERNAL FRICTION, see. Abrasion external.FOREIGN TRADE BOARD OF ARBITRATION (VTAK), see. Arbitration court.FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS, economic interaction of the states in which basis{fundamentals} the international division of labour lays. Actuate mezhstranovoe motion of the goods and services, financial and labour forces, technologies, administrative experience and scientific - information flows, foreign tourism. Master place in system of foreign economic relations is taken with export trade. The important role in development of foreign economic relations is played with the modern technological advance, planting economic mutuality of countries of the world.PERIPHERICALS of a computer (peripheral units), input/output devices, print-outs, a storage and a communication of information, the bound it is function with the central processing unit according to structure of a computer (or systems of a computer).EXTERIOR ANGLE of a triangle (polygon), the angle derivated by one his{its} parties and prolongation of an adjacent side.EXTERNAL MEMORY of a computer, memory devices major (up to several Gbytes) containers{capacities} (predominary on magnetic tapes, discs, drums, optical discs) from which the necessary information is introduced into a computer during fulfilment of this or that program.EXPORT TRADE, trade of one country with other countries, a constituent part of foreign economic relations. (Export) and import (importation) of the goods is sectioned for export. The sum of export and import will derivate the foreign trade turnover. Export trade bases on an international division of labour. Set{combination} of foreign trade operations of countries of the world - international trade.VNESHTORGIZDAT, izdatelsko-polygraphic association. It is based in 1922, Moscow. Foreign trade and tourist advertising, the engineering specifications on the exported goods in Russian and foreign tongues; export and import of polygraphic services.ATTENTION, concentration and directivity of mental activity to fixed object. Distinguish attention involuntary (passive) and the arbitrary (active) when selection of object of attention is effected meaningly, deliberately. Performances of attention: resistance, volume (quantity of objects which can be perceived and embodied by the person in rather short instant), distribution (ability simultaneously to retain afield consciousnesses objects of different activities), a capability of switching{changeover}.VNUKOVO, a urban settlement in the Russian Federation, the Moscow region. A depot (Airport). 13,8 thousand inhabitants (1991). Close Vnukovo - one of the main{basic} airports of Moscow.INTERNAL FRICTION, 1) property of solids is irreciprocal to capture{absorb;imbibe;occlude} a mechanical energy received{obtained} by a body at his{its} strain. Internal friction shows, napr., in decay of free oscillations. 2) In liquids and gases the same, that viscosity.INTERNAL EAR, system reported, the filled a liquid of channels and cavities in a cartilaginous or osteal labyrinth for vertebrates and the person. In an internal ear accepting parts of acoustic organs and balance - a snail and a vestibular apparatus are located.INTERNAL JAPANESE PEST (Seto-Najkaj), the pest inside channels between islands of Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku (Japan). It is bridged with Quiet ok. Kii channels and Bungo, with Japanese m. - prol. Shimonoseki. The area of 18 thousand êì2. The greatest depth of 74 m. Fishery. Main ports - Kobe, Osaka, Modzi, Shimonoseki.INTERNAL DISEASES, diseases of organs of a blood circulation, respiration, digestion, kidneys, metabolism, system of a connective tissue and blood, which treatment are executed by doctors - therapists. The main{basic} clinical science investigator these diseases (see has the same title. Therapy).INLAND WATERS (in the international law), all waters, laying within the limits terrains of the given state (except for his{its} territorial waters): the rivers, lakes, channels, channels, water reservoirs t. d. Inland seas, restricted from different directions as a land, component terrain only one state are considered as inland waters also. Ocean waters concern to inland waters (waters of ports, bays, bays) from a reference line of territorial waters of the state aside coasts.INTERNAL TROOPS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, execute guarding{preservation} state objects special importances, particular-type loads, correctional labour institutions, etc. In the statutory order participate in guarding{preservation} the public order (at mass measures, natural disasters, fires, etc.).INLAND SEAS, starving, penetrating pressing in land and reported with ocean or with an accumbent sea channels. Depending on a hydrological regime are divided on inland and intercontinental (napr., Mediterranean, Red) starving.
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